an intro, and a quest for tika failure info


New guy here, long time shooter/ hunter. I have a request for any and all info relating to failures of tika rifles, keying on stainless to be specific. I would rather not say why at this point as I am not looking to sling mud. thanks for any and all help, Mike
I know of no catastrophic failures that were not ammo or barrel obstruction related. I have read about out of battery firing, but never personally seen it.
The only failures I have been privy to that were gun related are regarding Savage Arms. These were not ammo or obstruction related.
A lot will depend on what your definition of a 'failure' being. Never heard of TIKKA's(or Savages for that matter.) having issues though. SS or not makes no difference.
0 issues with the Tikkas I’ve owned, A.308 light, and CTR 6.5 Creed. Neither stainless, but depending on the issue, I’d be skeptical of “stainless” being the contributing factor.
A friend bought one for his son in 7mm-08. After a little over a year, it quit firing. Not sure if it was an issue with the firing pin or the trigger itself. I was shocked, as I had never heard of any issues with Tikkas. They sent it in under warranty, and Beretta repaired it and it has worked fine since.
I haven't heard of any specific problems with Tikkas. Any rifle can have problems if not cared-for adequately. Congealed lubricants have caused many problems, so I'm very careful to use quality, non-gumming lubes especially in bolts and triggers.

WD-40 is a material that turns to a gummy substance over time, and should never be used in triggers and firing mechanisms. It's effective as a protectant on the exterior of metal parts, however.
I have a Tikka .270 Win and only problem it has is it kicks like a mule. I know friends who have Tikkas also and they haven't said anything about having issues. My rifle isn't stainless but my friend has 3 stainless Tikkas.
There was a problem several years ago. Apparently some of the steel used to make some barrels wasn't in spec. Not really Tikka's fault, but was a defect in the steel they bought. They recalled the affected rifles and made it right.
I have two tikka,s in .223, one in blue and one in SS and have not had any problems in fireing hundred,s of factory and reloads, some of the reloads are on the high end. the only thing I don,t like is you have to work the bolt smartly on the in stroke or the shell will pop out of the clip early and can cause a jam. I would not use a rifle that may do that on any thing that may kill me.
Tikka recalls

I had not heard of failures of T3's. The only recall I found was in 2004. At the time Tikka was reported contacting dealers and customers concerning the recall. The recall was limited to certain serial numbers with faulty barrels. This recall concerned barrel steel problems. These failures were not a chronic failure of these rifles. One of my favorite rifles is a T3 in 338 Federal. I'd buy another without reservations.

Some months back at the local rifle club I was talking to shooter with a new Tikka with stainless barrel. He shared he was on a hunt and the rifle refused to fire. He continued that his failure was due to oil freezing in the action. Not the fault of the rifle.
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I might be able to give you a clue.

You may use this

Or if clicking such things makes you nervous,Go to Schuemann barrels .There will be a (website offline) notice. Ignore it,up top you will see "documentation"
Go there.
You will find the topic "barrel steel" Read it.

Type 416 stainless is pretty much type 410 stainless with the addition of Sulphur to make it free machining. The Sulphur stringers can cause strength and failure problems.

No point in me re-writing the article.

If you read on another topic."cleaning" from the same "documentation" you will find that chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents attack these sulphur stringers in the steel.
They are not recommended for use in stainless barrels.

Extreme cold,IIRC, may effect 416R steel,also.
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I have a Tikka T3 Lite in .243 in blue. Functions perfect, smooth as silk bolt. Scary accurate. I'm not real fond of the scope bases in groves but they haven't given me any trouble. Biggest gripe is 60.00 bucks for a extra 4 round magazine !!! hdbiker