An Important Read for PA voters

I just read the headline...and decided I'd rather not vomit up my freshly eaten dinner. I swear every time I read about these supposedly humans' antics my blood pressure must triple. :mad:
From the above link.

Obama’s approach is similar to one advocated by Third Way, which issued a seven-step blueprint in 2006 to close the “gun gap” with Republicans. In a memo on its website, the group urges progressives to avoid silence on gun issues, and instead “redefine the issue in a way that appeals to gun owning voters.”

I have seen some of that attempted here on recent threads. The new shell game seems to be that they will talk to you about guns, then try to convince you that Obama is really a middle of the road average gun loving American. When you think of it, it's kinda insulting that they think you would fall for that load of BS.
As a PA resident, there is no way in Hades Obama can get my vote. Even if he hands me 20 guns of my choosing to get it, because I know he'll only come to take them away later, with interest.
"For Obama, who is less known and is from Chicago, a city guy and an African American, the feeling is that he is anti-gun,” Kessler continued. "

feeling? :barf: how about fact

“He will protect the rights of hunters and other law-abiding Americans to purchase, own, transport, and use guns for the purposes of hunting and target shooting,” the paper states. “He also believes that the right is subject to reasonable and common sense regulation.”

a polished turd is still a turd
“He also believes that the right is subject to reasonable and common sense regulation.”

There's the key phrase. He will probably consult with Rosy O'Donnel about what's common sense regulation.:barf: