An idiotic poll on the History Channel website


New member
Scroll down to the bottom of the page. They ask "should the 2nd Amendment be repealed?"
They must want to see how many people come to their website. Score now is 91% no, 9% yes.

Interesting message board there -- the Ban All Guns idiots are routinely savaged by names that I don't see here (unless they are aliases [g]).

Check 'em out at -- http://www.historychannel

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Could not find the message board, but I did not look that hard. I did vote though. I wonder when they will ask about freedom of speech, unreasonable searches, self incrimination and all the rest?

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Went there, voted, didn't get a stupid T-shirt. Now let's drop them a note, asking them to poll on the opposite question: Should the government ABIDE BY the Second amendment, instead?
They are about as accurate as the weather channel, when it comes to reporting history. I voted last week, and left them my 01 cents worth. If you read what the anti's have wrote on the discussion board it really can give you a chuckle. Some of the pro posts were made from my buddies at
