An idea I had today


New member
I like 44mags, I also like the idea of a five shot cylinder on a 4 inch model. Or even a coonan style 1911 in 44. Do any of these exist? If so, who makes them? If not, is this something I could have built?
There are some Taurus Tracker guns which are 5-shooters in .44 Mangle-em. I sold my 2.5-inch ported Tracker when I found a 2.5 un-ported Tracker. The frame is sorta between the S&W K-frame and the L-frame.

Again, they were both .44 Magnums. And I will never fire full magnum rounds in it again. Nope, that was negative fun.

But hot .44 Specials, that is a different story.

Taurus doesn't show that barrel length any more in the Tracker. But they do show the .44 Tracker with 4-inch barrels, choice of blued or stainless, ported whether you like it or not.

Bart Noir
NO, What YOuwant is the...

Auto-MAG .44.

A wildcat using the lower thrid of a 7.62 case and loaded hiogher than the .44MAG.

A classic now, but had some poplularity back in the early 80's,
ALL stainless steel, uses a rotary. bolt head to lock up.
Years ago there was a smith who was converting S&W (k frame?) into a 5 shot .44 Spl. I think he is long retired now, if still living.

As for a "Coonan style 1911" in .44 Mag, there was one, but not Coonan. The LAR GRIZZLY was available in .44 Mag. Its a stretched 1911, and some of the parts even interchange. It is bigger than the Coonan.

I had one for a while, but traded it off, replacing it with a Grizzly in .45 Win Mag. In .44 Mag, the magazine only held 6, and my gun had feeding issues. My .45WM doesn't.

Your only choice for a current production .44 Mag autoloader is Desert Eagle. Not a 1911 pattern gun, and 4.25lbs empty.

The .44 Auto Mag Pistol (.44AMP) is somewhat lighter, as is the Grizzly, and I think even the Wildey (with 6" barrel) is lighter than the Desert Eagle.

There are NO options for a "compact" magnum autopistol, at this time. The closest thing I ever heard of was the Coonan "Cadet", a .41 Mag (produced as a few prototypes only) which had "shrunken" dimensions that made it about the size of a full size govt model 1911.

Rumor has it that the new Coonan production group may produce this gun, but currently are full time busy making their .357s.
There's always the Charter Bulldog.
While it's not a .44 Mag, as has already been suggested, .44 Specials can come close.
The first attempts, at what later evolved into the .44 Mag, were developed with .44 Spl cases.
I like 44mags, I also like the idea of a five shot cylinder on a 4 inch model. Or even a coonan style 1911 in 44. Do any of these exist? If so, who makes them? If not, is this something I could have built?
Sounds like a job for John Linebaugh; I'm sure he could do it for you. Be aware though, he'd probably prefer it to be .45 Colt.;)
(There's always the Charter Bulldog) I have one and like it but there is no way I would shoot hot 44 Sp out of it. When they were first made some of the gun righters tried Elmer Keith loads, I don't remember any blowing up. Mine is one of the originals and it is not a lot of fun to shoot with standard 44SP but with oversized grips it is OK.

There is no free lunch (unless you are a member of Congress) a small light 44 mag is going to kick bad. 15 years ago I said recoil did not bother me, now my arthritic hands tell me different. :(
Rumor has it that the new Coonan production group may produce this gun, but currently are full time busy making their .357s.
I second the notion and submit that Coonan setting up at the last two SHOT shows has been the largest factor behind the crazy volume of orders they've taken.

It is my opinion that if they begin to once again produce the Cadet model... it's going to sell like crazy.