An example of media bias


New member
Last January, a mentally ill woman went to a gun store just south of Salt Lake City and bought a 9mm semiautomatic and lots of ammunition. The next day she walked into the KSL TV/radio lobby area, pointed her gun at the receptionist, and asked the way to the newsroom. Just then, a woman stepped out of the newsroom and saw a look of terror on the receptionist's face. The gunman turned, shot at this woman's feet and asked, "Is that the newsroom?" The woman said, "No, it's over there," pointing to an empty corner of the lobby. The gunman turned toward the indicated corner and fired another round. The woman ducked back into the newsroom, locked the door and told everyone in the newsroom to leave the building. The gunman shot a total of 17 rounds into the walls and floor of the lobby, grazing a security guard, before moving on to the second and fourth floors, randomly shooting at the walls. A worker on the fourth floor was fatally wounded.

This story is significant to me because I was working on the fifth floor at the time.

The news media reported that the gunman's gun jammed and two men rushed her and wrestled her to the floor. Today, while I was at a gun store drooling over a Beretta 92, I found out what really happened. Someone on the fourth floor was carrying concealed. When the gunman emptied her magazine and dropped it from the gun, preparing to reload, the man who was carrying pulled out a .45, stuck it in her ear and told her to drop her gun. He kicked her gun out of her reach, then told her to get down on the floor where he held her at gunpoint until the police arrived. When the police got there, he set his gun on the floor, placed his concealed carry permit next to it, and stood with his feet apart and his hands in the air. When the police saw the permit, they simply let him go.
Whaddaya know, another potential mass murder averted by the presence of a concealed weapon carrier. I'm sure Dan, Tom and Peter will broadcast the full story of how many people were saved by a person with a concealed handgun on tonite's news. I'm equally sure that my good friends from the planet Zorqilon-7 will drop by to watch it with me.
Yeah, just like we in Atlanta heard all over the news about a shooting at Grady Hospital (a day or two after the big one down here). The next day, when the facts came out, it wasn't newsworthy any more. It seems some nutcase came in the hospital pharmacy with a gun, and a security guard shot him.
"Shooting at Hospital!" = Big news
"Security Guard Saves Innocent Lives by Using Gun!" = Not news
I'm sure Dan, Tom and Peter will broadcast the full story of how many people were saved by a person with a concealed handgun on tonite's news.

Yep -- and all pigs are fully fuelled and ready for flight!!

In response to things like this as well as the fact that an organization uniting victims of gun crime has been established in San Francisco (along the same lines as MADD). We need to collect the names of people who can testify to the fact they themselves, or someone they know, was in a situation where a concealed weapon saved the day.
It happened again! Another gun related news story mis-handled by the media!

The president of a local gun club is saying that schools would be safer if 1/4 of the public school teachers carried concealed and were trained in the tactical use of their guns. Rather than allowing him to defend his comments on the news, they had a sound bite of a public school teacher saying that she really didn't want to shoot any of her students.

Nobody is asking you to shoot your students. We are asking the schools to be prepared to defend the school against those who do want to shoot your students. But we can't let those evil right winged gun toting fanatics explain their reasoning; it's not politically correct!


Meanwhile, on the other side of town….

I went to the library information desk to request an inter-library loan for a book I couldn't find in the county library system. The librarian was very polite until I mentioned the title of the book: Utah Gun Law--the Good, the Bad, the Ugly. From that point on, she was having trouble hiding the mild look of terror on her face. She suggested that maybe it was one of those right winged fanatical books that might be hard to find. I calmly pointed out that the book was written by an attorney and that it would be useful for any hunter to be familiar with the state's gun laws. They are getting the book, but I don't think they are very happy about it.
Or maybe she just couldn't imagine any BG's threatening the school. After all, we have a law against that, don't we?


Maybe what we need are more laws!

Anyway, if there are no BG's in the school, I suppose she figured she'd have to shoot somebody. I mean, what are you going to do with the gun besides kill people?

[This message has been edited by sbryce (edited September 02, 1999).]
Sounds like the 'mentally ill' woman in Salt Lake wasn't so flipped out that she didn't understand the implications of having gun in her ear, eh? Typical.

Well, we all know this is how it goes. I've heard of another cable station coming on with a more conservative perspective, albeit not religious. We definitely need some alternatives to the trash we get right now.
It doesn't matter if it is violent video games, bad parenting, getting teased by peers for being "different", or any number of easily adoptable excuses for truly INSANE behavior. This 'mental disorder' is always diffused when the perpetrator of the tantrum is faced with their own mortality. The crux of the twisted logic is that if only the government has a gun constantly pointed at our potentially ill brains, with no access to defense because we are all potentially dangerous citizens, will this potential tradgedy be prevented. After that, it will still happen. We just won't hear about it as often.
This is a very interesting story. Is there any documentation that you can provide? If so, I'd like to research the case more.

I'm not doubting the story at all, but would like more info, particularly about the concealed carry holder.

Robert A. Waters
Author of "The Best Defense: True Stories of Intended Victims Who Defended Themsevles with a Firearm"

Gary Travis 801-268-2228 should be able to point you in the right direction. He is a firearms instructor. One of his students was the person who pulled his .45 on the gunman.