an end to hunting and firearms

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I don't know, but I know he's going to try.

“Every reasonable person believes in animal rights,” he says, continuing that "we might conclude that certain practices cannot be defended and should not be allowed to continue, if, in practice, mere regulation will inevitably be insufficient—and if, in practice, mere regulation will ensure that the level of animal suffering will remain very high."

His full paper here. (pdf)
This guy is absolutely completly %100 correct. All animals have rights.

The right to be tasty. Gods place for animals is right next to the mashed potato's and gravy.
Never underestimate your enemy - never take them for granted or assume they can't push their agenda through - especially in light of the current political climate.

How many folks here go to our enemies' websites/forums and read their comments? Don't think for a second they don't come here and to others like this. You can't beat them if they know you better than you know them
They are nuckin futz,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I did not get to the top of the food chain to start eating grass and shrubs again!:eek:
Let me guess....he's been appointed to a high-level position as some kind of czar in Obama's Administration, right?

He'll fit right in.
Ya know, I really wish people would just turn off the talking heads once in a while. It might be nice to think for ourselves for once.

/thread please. :rolleyes:
Rights are a human concept. Animals do not have human rights. I don't believe in abusing animals and I do think animals should be treated with respect and with care...but next time a lion kills a zebra, tell the lion the zebra had "rights"
1. 6 pages in and the phrase "tree hugging hippie crap" comes to mind.

2., hunting and more importantly cooking may be what defined us as humans 10's of thousands of years ago.

3. Food processing isn't pretty, I've seen pigs, sheep, cows and chickens slaughtered, it'd turn your uptight greenie eco-mentalist vegan for life. They have the right to not eat them as much as I have the right TO eat them, your rights end when they start to infringe on mine, so hands off my BBQ.

4. The old saying, outlaw guns and only the outlaws will have them...
Food processing isn't pretty, I've seen pigs, sheep, cows and chickens slaughtered, it'd turn your uptight greenie eco-mentalist vegan for life.

Those who appreciate the Law, or sausage, should not watch either being made....
Law? Civil Rights? Or Politics?

I'm regretful, 'cause I don't like Sunstein (or his wife). But this thread is just plain off-topic.
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