An Elvish blade, shining with pale light...

cornered rat

...the orcs must be near, but my allies are closer yet!

<h1>Wow! I am honored.</h1>
<h2>Thank you all. Thank you 4V50Gary, ATM, Spartacus, Elchimango, Erick, Fal.308, Flyer M14, Grayfox, HS, James V, Jeff thomas, JHS, longhair, Michael, Mike, Mykl, Nan, Q (hi, dear!), Rich, Rob, Spectre and Terry!</h2>
I am touched and happy that you though enough of my company to comemmorate my arrival to the States.

I have just found out why I have not liked knives before: I only used lousy cheapo junky ones before...this one is a tool to behold! A truly fine - and lasting - reminder that I have good friends like you.

Pictures of my mug to follow soon, from Q.

Oleg, no longer in a corner.
Oleg, my Russian rodent friend,
It's we who thank you, your unique perspective on the 2nd ammendment has helped us all to remember what being an American is really all about. Enjoy the blade, you deserve it.

Can't wait to see the pictures of your smilin' face. :)
Don't cut yourself. :D Glad ya like it, we was gonna get ya a Negant revolver but ammo's too much and hard to find. LOL

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
Welcome to The Firing Line. This all came about before you joined us. Seems Spartacus noted that it was cornered rat's 10th anniversary since leaving the Iron Curtain and that we might do something to commemorate it.

Next thing you know, I'm getting checks in the mail! we bought him a Chris Reeve Sebenza. (Good enough to ride in *my* waistband ;))

Glad you liked it. Looking forward to the pics.

All Contributors-
If I missed your name on the card, please let me know so that credit and apology may be offered.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited April 01, 1999).]
I used to be an avid JRRT fan, based on Hobbit, Fellowship of the Ring and short stories (his other long books left me cold). My nickname, since about the age of 10 when I introduced my friends to JRRT, has been Gandalf.

I suppose that was an early hint of my passion for things percussive and explosive, as well as small Elvish blades...


PS: For all of my passion for firearms, I do have several, whereas I have not had a knife of my own ever since an Italian Carabinero took mine in '89(3" must have been too long).

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited April 01, 1999).]
Rich is, as usual, modest.


not only did he jump right in to support Spratacus' idea, but he supplied the "directive force" which allowed the gift to be picked and delivered.

Furthermore, it was his idea to have everyone write their checks to The Irlene Mandrell Celebrity Shoot, he then forwarded the checks to me for deposit to that charity event, Those donations will be listed in our program as coming from various TFL members in your name.

Of course "Q" played a significant role to!

So, your welcome and thanks!

Ah. All becomes clear. :)

A sebenza? A kingly gift! As keen as any barrow-blade. :)

At least it wasn't a Benchmade black-ti AFCK Morgul-knife...the tip has a habit of breaking off of those. ;) ;) ;)

Gandalf,CR etc.,

Perhaps your clarity of perception is a product of your life experience. Maybe you can "see" in the sense that Casteneda uses the word.

The bottom line is that we are the fortuneate ones here, to have your thoughts and opinions to goad us into defense of those things truly important. I don't think I am alone when I say that I am honored to count you as a kinred soul!

yours in marksmanship
(continue to practice, everyone can be extraordinarily competent with a firearm)

keep it sharp and handy

It was stated earlier but the thank you's go two ways. You've truly refreshed those of us who grew up in the USA taking our freedoms for granted. You have helped galvanize us into actions that otherwise may have been forestalled by other daily events. Again we thank you for your actions and words.
cornered rat is a fitting handle.

All that is gold does not glitter. All those who wander are not lost......

Cornered Rat
Glad you like the Blade, just don't cut yourself! LOL
OH, now be nice to Q.

Justice for one,Justice for all.

[This message has been edited by Flyerm14 (edited April 01, 1999).]
CR -

Glad you like the blade, and thanks for the praise; however it is I who praise you. For articulating the thoughts you do, so that others may learn from them. While many can shoot well, only a gifted few carry the passion within to write and speak well.

Now, don't let up on us, keep the goodstuff coming.

As you know only to well:

Freedom is not Free
Remember, there is no sword too short for a brave man. Likewise, no sword is too long for a short man.

Bruce Stanton