an article on Klinton...


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Ifound this at: and thought it was worth sharing....Washington Times 8/31/99 Balint Vazsonyi "…A review of executive orders currently in force cannot fail to alarm the most placid and trusting soul among us. "They include," writes Mr. Murray, "vast powers to
seize property, commodities, fuel and minerals; organize and control the means of production, including compulsory job assignments for civilians; assign military forces abroad; institute martial law and force civilian relocation; seize and control all forms of transportation and restrict travel; seize communications and health facilities; regulate operation of private enterprise; require national registration through the postal service, or otherwise control citizens' lives." True - many of these were first issued by others and
only confirmed, renewed and consolidated by Mr. Clinton. But the end result is that, for all practical intents and purposes, Mr. Clinton can declare himself dictator of America with yet another stroke of the
pen. He can choose to do so at, say, 3:00 a.m. so that we wake up to a country of which we are no longer citizens, but prisoners. The reality, of course, is that no sane person would have thought past presidents - such as Carter, Reagan or Bush - capable of imposing their personal rule upon the United
States of America. But it is also a reality that no sane person could think Mr. and Mrs. Clinton incapable of imposing their personal rule upon the United States of America. No one before presumed to say that the American people cannot be trusted to make proper use of the money they had earned. No one before
has placed an ever-growing circle of fortifications between the People and the People's House. No one before has populated an entire administration with purely political appointees…… The result is a
commissar mentality, making its way throughout society. We find it already in our schools, we find it in "human resource" departments, we find it at airline counters. Forty years ago, when I arrived in this
country, no one had even heard of a driver's license with a photograph and persons in the service industry were, well, of service. Today, baggage handlers have been given federal authority to demand "government-issued - identification. "Security" personnel standing around metal detectors, scarcely able to speak three words in English, have the power to arrest you…… All of the above is happening because
we are letting it happen. Congress lets it happen. The courts let it happen. The Founders knew better….."