An armed populace is no guarantee of freedom

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Can you think of any examples of armed and very much un-free people?

Just wondering if "Absence of an armed populace is a guarantee of eventual demise of freedom." be more accurate?

Anyone for splitting semantic hairs further with me?

Your posts were the original reason why I started this post. Now go away and let other students try for an "A" :D
Venezula fits that description. Nearly everyone is armed but last time I checked (cir. 1990), it was your basic banana republic with all of the human rights abuses and other frills of a despot (alledged democratically elected) regime.
This is tough

But howabout the Pathan tribes on the North West frontier of Pakistan, not exactly a nation state more like a semi automonous region "contained" by Pakistan.

The Pathan are a fiercly independent and heavily armed Mountain people but hardly free.
Would these places be "armed and fighting to be free" or "armed but don't really want to fight to be free"?

I'm a bit confused on how an armed populace could possibly be at the mercy of the government.

No guarantees in this old life (besides death and ...). I'd venture that an armed populace, does however, slow the rate at which they can turn up the heat. From one par-boiled frog to another.
I would call the Taliban controlled areas of Afganistan somplace that could be described that way. Everyone is armed to the teeth but have very little in tearms of true freedom.

As was said earlier, "Are those people using their arms?", or have they not had a real taste of freedom to know what they could be fighting for?
Besides the US, I would put Isreal and the Arab nations on the list.

All have a multitude of firearms, (although the mideast mostly for military reasons), and there is limited freedoms.
The reason for bringing this up is to brush up for the discussions with others...debunk our own arguments so there'd be no surprise when others do that to us.
Switzerland - The population may well be armed but they are armed for the goverment not by choice. News, books and movies are all subject to government approval and censorship.

I believe either Norway or Finland have a similar situation where all the King's SUBJECTS are armed. I believe the King censors news, books and movies also. Can someone verify this?
Y'all who think the RKBA is or should be an all or nothing bar on the infringements of our rights should go back and re-read the Declaration of Independence.

We will endure these usurpations while they are endurable, but at some point, the people will resist. Clearly, that point comes before the Rwandan government sent armed Hutus to kill unarmed Tutsis (or is it the other way around?) and killed 800,000 of them in 102 days in the spring of 1994.

That wouldn't happen with an armed population, I think might agree.

Ok, all of us have guns, some more that others, but let each of us be entirely honest with ourselves in answering the question : how far will I go in defending my arms (freedom)? What would I be willing to risk? I am still working on this....
Nominally, we still have freedom of speech, press, though, rally and
political activity. So, nominally, we're free. And of course,
ownership of assault weapons is not banned in Switzerland, unless
you've done something against the law. Even new full-autos and
silencers are legally obtainable.

Do we have an ultra-liberal press? Yes, sure. Too many of them are
anti-gun and anti-freedom.

Although, slowly, they get flamed a lot in letters to the editor. If
one had seen what happened in the local newspapers after the city of
Berne passed a new bill further reducing the size of parking lots of
big stores, some people got seriously irate.

I never have and never will vote for these green and socialist s-balls
that reduce my freedoms and ruin the city. OTOH, too many people are
on their payroll. And the centrist parties, in order to able to
'particpate' in the goverment of our city, even side with the
socialists all the time.