An anti gun internet company

I signed up to use a web email service. Basically it would set up a web based email service using my domain name. In the end I decided not too but I recieved this email today -


We have limited the access to our service in an effort to make it attractive
to the largest possible group of partner sites. Unfortunately, we've had to
exclude certain types of content in order to achieve this. We currently feel
that any site that promotes/contains/focuses on
materials/gambling/alcohol/tobacco/firearms does not meet the requirements
for access to our service because too many people may find it objectionable.

We appreciate your interest in our service, and we're sorry that we can't
accept your site at this time because it violates our agreement.


John P. Foster
Partner Consultant
25 North First Street
San Jose, CA 95113
Ph: (408) 279-5900 ext. 211
Fax: (408) 283-9077 "

Firearms obejectionable ? sounds pretty dumb to me. Well feel free to send a nice email to them.

New FREE Gun Auctions at
Since they dont accept everyone they should have to change their name. sounds about right.

Better days to be,

Hey! These guys may be on out side. They find alcohol, tobacco, and firearms objectionable. :D, I like it!

Looks like they don't think much of the first or second amendments.
What about religion and politics? Someone could find those objectionable also. What about having opinions and free speech? Nope, that might offend the sheeple out there?
To whom it may concern:

I've read the letter sent to a fellow member of "The Firing Line," a site dedicated to the exercise of our first amendment rights through the protection of our second amendment rights, and vice versa. You have listed firearms as objectionable materials and that is your right.

I, personally, along with the nearly 50% of Americans (with a capital "A," who appreciate the freedoms we have and know that they were bought at a high price and may need to be mantained at a similar price, unlike yourselves.) find this deeply offensive. As far as I can determine, your company profits from the financial support from sponsors who pay you to support their web pages.

Consequently, I plan on calling for the nearly 2000 members of The Firing Line, a similar number at Glock Talk, and ALL other internet sites devoted to firearms to boycott your site and all those companies that do business with you. This letter will be posted on the internet.


Brian P. Shipley
People, Its a private company, let them do whatever the hell tey wan't. Talk about amdenments... they are just expressing theirs. However, its a different thing when anti's happen to be elected officials who wish to FORCE thier opinions on us by enacting ridiculous gun laws.

IF you wan't freedom you're gonna have to eat other peoples sh*t even if you don't like it. They have the same rights as YOU and they are just using them, the same as YOU are. Think about that for awhile. Freedom for everyone is NOT an easy thing.

I'd just like to give you an example of this:

I have a friend who works for the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana, California. Currently they are showing artwork from Vietnam (something they have a right to do) and some people in the American-Vietmenese community are now protesting that it be taken down (freedom of speech). They say it is because the artwork represents communism. Now, you see here both sides are expressing thier freedom, but do think it is right that the Museum be FORCED to remove the artwork just because the Vietmenese community doesn't like it? That, in itself WOULD BE COMMUNISM. How ironic, isn't it... people using thier freedom to force communism; which they claimed to be fighting against..

I hope you all understand now what I am trying to say.
OK Computer...

I agree and understand in principle. However, it works both ways. Its my right to boycott anyone and anything I don't like.
The facts are, said company lumped perfectly legal interests in with illegal and quasi-legal (of dubious moral value) interests. Thus, cigar companies, wineries (bastions of liberal and yuppiedom), paintball companies, etc are colored with the stain of racism, porn, and illegality.
Further, said Internet company hasn't yet had complaints. Its their right, but also its their right to take heat for an obviously crass and craven commercial stand.

The Museum isn't being forced to do anything...they just have to put up with the crap that everyone has to.

As I works both ways.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited July 06, 1999).]
DC - I agree with you whole-heartedly. While anti-gunner's have every right to their view, we MUST be vocal in our own view. Look at it this way - we have a right to own guns, but the vocal anti's are being very successful at whittling that away just by carping and whining loudly enough. I have become very sensitive to any anti-gun position held by a store and I make it VERY clear that I will not consider patronizing their business if those revenues might help strip my rights as an American.

Its one thing to respect the rights of an anti-gunner; its quite another to sheepishly sit back and forfeit our own rights to be heard in public, or control our own spending.
I sent Mr. Foster a lil' ole' email letting him know what I thought, FYI.

I too, will exercise my rights, (as he is his)and won't do business with "" or any of their supporters.

"...What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?... Fight, and you may die, run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for just one chance, to tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!"