An answer to a first question

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Weapon ownership, pride, and respect have been part of the human species for the last 50,000 years. When i hunt deer, i am putting my psyche in touch with an important part of our human sphere of consciousness.

The hunter is a real part of all of us.

It has only been within the last 100-200 years that modern agricultural practices have replaced the woodscraft with managed farmed animals. We now live very much out of step with nature. Now some of our kind feel the hunter is an anachronism best left behind in our modern "safe" world.

Yet our children continue to play at hunting games. i had some "real" hippie friends in college. They were practicing pacifists and vegetarians. Their child would find bent sticks and play. Bang! They did not own a TV... We should not delude ourselves as much a we do. From the times before the Clovis point, our children have played at the hunt. We owe them the knowledge of safe, respectful weapon skills.

Our species is driven by desires. Our physical world is a lot more complex and difficult to survive in than our current worldview. Consider what it would take to gather and provision a root cellar for one winter. We now have the incredible luxury of boredom. We can purchase a years hard labor with a swipe of a plastic card. We have a tendancy to want more than we require. Most of our people now prey upon ourselves, to gain what we feel we need to exist. Walk onto the car sales lot and feel what its is like to be hunted. Compare the common sizes of the clothing closets in a modern home to one from only 50 years ago. One hundred years ago, if you wanted to hear music, it required live musicians. Our luxuries have enslaved us to require more and more things to support our vision of "the right way to live". Some of us work very hard to get a chin up on the ladder. Others covet, then steal to acquire the symbols of the luxurious life.

Our world has dramatically changed, yet we are still mortal humans.
We know so much, but are in touch with so little. The founders of the American experiment knew that we would continue onward to this point. This is why the Bill of Rights was written, to benchmark the rights that are the incarnate in all people.

These rights shall not be infringed,
and we owe it to the future to vigilantly educate and protect ourselves.

doc Zox

"walk softly and carry a big stick, one that goes bang in .308 is fine"
Well done Sir.
You have my nomination for post of the year. I would be proud to lend my real name to this thread.

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited December 08, 1999).]
Glad you liked it!

i am going to post up a website from my PA deer hunt last week

a whole lot of thinking went on while i was waiting in the woods...

some photography too!

At first I was baffled by the lack of interest in this post. Quiet reflection is good. Like the words of passing in soiled bedcloths while the unconcerned play cards, the words of this post have the same weight.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.
I read this thread the day it was first posted. I agree with Hal, a great post from you doc. I didn't post then because I felt that I couldn't add anything that could possibly do justice to the eloquent words above. I guess I just proved my own point...


The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security -Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4

Ohio does not allow concealed carry.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>We now have the incredible luxury of boredom.[/quote]

This in particular stood out to me.

I was scanning the channels last night and sighted many products of our boredom. But the one that had absolutely no redeeming value whatsoever was WWF Smackdown... I would have to be so knotted with boredom to even consider watching such trash.


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
One reason I always like Desmond Morris' "Human Animal" series was that he stepped back and examined culture, society and customs from the perspective that we are animals and governed by animal-like behaviors we are usually not even aware of. (Morris is a little pink, but most Sociologists/Anthropologists are)

From that perspective, all human organization is an extension of ancient hunting tactics and rituals. No exaggeration, we are sitting here in front of computers in buildings made of highly sophisticated materials with a stunning level of technology because we have incisors and bicuspids in our mouths capable of tearing, chewing and eating flesh. Yes, your teeth have more to do with society and technology than you can possibly imagine.

Had our ancestors not developed group hunting techniques and a taste for mammoth, you'd be a filthy ape sitting in a tree right now grunting back and forth at your "mate" trying to get a little. Think about it, "gatherers" and herbavores are usually known as Prey species. How far would our ancestors have gotten without that "barbaric" taste for blood we all pretend we don't have.
(Interesting experiment: next time you thaw a steak, put your nose right down there and get a good whiff of raw meat. Try to be very aware of what's happening in your mouth).

From the way we organize our corporations to the way we make war, there is hardly any facet of civilization that doesn't have some realtionship to hunting.
i posted the top esay to an email list for technology...

this is the responce from the list master:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>This list is here for discussions about collaborative efforts having to
do with the development and use of information technology in a polite,
honest, and mutually respectful environment, for profit and/or the good
of society.

Anyone who displays the bad manners of bringing up any topic related to
personal ballistic weaponry on this list will be bid adieu on the spot.

If you have any doubts about if you are about to step over the line, then
you probably are, but you can send the message to me privately for
moderation and possible posting/rejection.

The new policy is now in effect.[/quote]

"walk softly and carry a big stick, one that goes bang in .308 is fine"