An Act of Charity in the Gun Community

Old Bill Dibble

New member

So essentially the deputy got jumped during a traffic stop (something along the lines of the Michael Brown incident) and was getting the tar beat out of him when a passerby stepped in and shot his attacker at the deputy's request, killing the attacker. Since the shooter's gun was impounded for evidence a LGS offered him a free replacement.

The deputy was hospitalized after the incident and the shooter was unharmed.

Good on the gun shop for supporting the community in that way.
I saw that story. I also noticed that other LEOs accompanied the good samaritan to the gun shop to pick up the new gun.

My immediate, churlish, curmudgeonly reaction was, "So why is the gun shop donating the new gun? Why aren't all these cops chipping in to help out a 'civilian' who saved one of their brother officers?"
I understand that the deputy was yelling for help and it's good that a citizen stepped up to aid him. But given the times we live in, I could see this going against the shooter. A bystander pulls a gun, question is he going to help the deputy or the bad guy. Having a CHL and interjecting oneself in a police matter could go wrong.
Having a CHL and interjecting oneself in a police matter could go wrong.
Mind you - there's no bravado in this at all...but.....

Who cares?
Really, who cars if it all goes wrong if a life is saved?

Speaking only for myself, I'm fed up to here with the "being afraid" crap that permeates our world today.
I'm afraid to put a bumper sticker on my car for the candidate I support because I don't want may car vandalized.

I don't put a sign in front of my house for the cadidate I support because I don't want my property vandalized.

I shy away from doing what's right becaue, I don't want to be a victim of the system...

I'm 64 years old, I have end stage COPD & I probably don't have another holiday season in me. I'm sick and tired of being afraid of getting involved.
Not wanting to get involved is just as valid as feeling you have to.

If I were getting ground pounded I'd be more than happy to accept whatever help I could get. I think that they would and should be covered under Good Samaritan laws in my state. If you really screw things up and I get shot I don't think I'll be any worse off than if the guy had beat me unconscious and taken my weapon.
"So why is the gun shop donating the new gun? Why aren't all these cops chipping in to help out a 'civilian' who saved one of their brother officers?"

Probably because of the ongoing investigation. I bet he gets honored by the department at some point.
But given the times we live in, I could see this going against the shooter.
Sure, it's always possible that it could go badly for someone when the use of deadly force is involved.

That said, intervening on the side of law enforcement in a situation where an officer is in trouble and there is no other officer available to provide backup is probably about as "safe" a use of deadly force as one is likely to encounter.
I read the comments portion of a MSM article about this. About 20% of the responses were to the effect that this was murder, being an unarmed man involved in a fist fight with a police officer who was not injured beyond a few bruises.

These people serve on juries, vote, and become political. It's scary, indeed.
That is pretty sad for the 20%.

The good news is that at least 80% were in the "thinking about what was happening" camp.

I believe if another officer had been there instead of a random armed passerby the shooting likely would not have happened. These kinds of scrapes occur fairly often, near daily in some cities, probably monthly in our little town. An officer appearing on the scene would have had more training and options along the use of force spectrum at his disposal. Most officers could have easily and quickly have turned the fight around.

There is no way of knowing for sure.
sure its a fist fight now but....

sure it's a fist fight now, but remember there is already at least one gun involved, the police officers. It's only a matter of time before the suspect could decide to grab the officers gun and use it on the officer. In fact that may be why the officer was losing the fight, he may have been using one of his hands to protect his weapon leaving him more defenseless to the assailants punches.

This is all speculation but if your going to carry a gun you need to remember that any fight you're involved in always has at least one gun involved, yours.

I think given the fact that this guy had demonstrated he had the mind set to attack an officer, and was in position to grab the officers gun at any moment this shooting would be justified. The officers life could be endanger at any second.
No good deed goes unpunished. I think the correct thing to do is watch, paying close attention to who's winning, taking into account relative ages and body mass. Soaking up as much data as possible. Maybe place a few bets with friends over the phone, then shoot the bad guy. Simple right?
"Or great bodily harm..." Getting beaten so bad you are on the ground can easily be construed as great bodily harm. This is not Europe, you do not have a duty to take a butt whipping.

Glad the Samaritan was offered a replacement for his side arm from anyone, the cops, the shop, who ever. THAT is doing things right.