AMT AUTOMAG III Pistol - Good or Bad?

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I've become interested in this pistol... it shoots the .30 Carbine Cartdridge, from which I've heard has pretty good stopping power; comparable to 41. Mangnum, supposedly, but with much less recoil. Does anyone have experience with this Pistol? Just curious if its a good buy or not.

I already own an M1 carbine which I enjoy shooting as well. Is it possible that the same cartridge from this pistol will be accurate to about 100-150yrds as it is from the carbine?
Had one back in the early 90's, it was ok power wise your closer to a 357mag than a 41 mag. 3" groups at 25 yrd were the norm. The one I had was real finicky. The 30 carbine Ruger Blackhawk was a lot more fun no problem getting sub 1" groups at twenty-five yrds. And always remember wear muffs when ever you are shooting 30 carbine out of a handgun the blast is awful.
I have owned one these for about 8 years now and have never had a problem with it. I bought it as a companion piece to my G.I. carbine. It is fairly accurate and flat shooting and I have no problem hitting a 12" target a 100 yards. It makes a lot of noise and there is a lot of muzzle flash but not much recoil. Mine also has a very light trigger which is great for target work. It is a good fun gun but I would'nt carry it for defense as it is too large and cumbersome. I would buy one especially if you own a carbine.


[This message has been edited by theprisoner (edited March 09, 2000).]
Thanks, I think I will settle for something different maybe. I want an Auto Pistol that shoots a hard hitting caliber that isnt too heavy for me. I have also been considering the Glock 31 in 357SIG. Any thoughts??
I'm hoping to "resurrect" this thread, I've recently stumbled upon the AMT Automags myself and I'm very curious about them, being that they are borderline (?) exotic and look WICKED for a pretty reasonable price. Any further input regarding the Automag III and IV (and V?) would be GREATLY appreciated. I looked at AMT's new website at but the manufacturer is (as always) NOT a good source for "real-world" info. The guy at the local gunshop told me they were "junk", but I'd really like opinions from someone who has actually owned/shot them....
I am thinking about getting a .30 Carbine pistol as well (to match my M1 Carbine I just purchased).

A local gunshop called them (AMT) junk. I have definitely heard they were difficult to get replacement parts for, from reliable sources.

I have considered the Ruger. One will run me about $335. Another option (if I can find one) would be the "Enforcer" .30 Carbine pistol. I would really like to find one of these.
I had an Automag V (50AE)- sold it after 2 weeks, that gun was a nightmare. Funny thing is, everyone told me not to buy it- but it looked nice, different, so I took the chance.
Overall, I hear constantly that AMT's are just junk.

I'm happy to see there are some people with them that actually work.
Sounds like they're definitely "iffy" :), what kind of problems arose with them? They claim to have a lifetime warranty (yeah, I know I know...). I'm wondering if maybe things have improved since Galena Industries' takeover. Personally, I wouldn't be too picky with a gun like that. I wouldn't mind if it was a LITTLE unreliable (I have other guns to trust my life to), but are we talking 1 misfire/jam every 4 or 5 mags, or 2 in every one? or even worse, any KB stories or parts that break after less than 1000 rounds or so? I'd probably still consider buying one just to see for myself, but I may make more plans ahead of time as to what to trade it in for when I get fed up with it....

[This message has been edited by thestallion (edited April 15, 2000).]
You can't say the new guns are junk...Galena is totally different from AMT, they just bought the designs and company (and then moved out of CA)...and in fact, if you every read the Wall Street Journal article about Galena, you would be impressed...they moved from gun-unfriendly CA to nearby where Cor-Bon produces ammo, have a lifetime warranty on their guns.

Galena will freely admit that AMT had spotty quality control. Galena is not AMT. Most people talking about poor AMT quality are talking about a company that for all intents and purposes no longer exists...its Galena now, new owners, new procedures, building AMT designs better.

Personally, I think they should drop the AMT name and do their own Galena brand.

You can email them and talk to them via the email address on their will find them very approachable, and I found them to be friendly.