AMT 380 Backup


New member
What do you guys think of this gun! I have a chance of buying one for 160.00. In box with extra clip. Can anyone tell me about accuracy, reliability! Also I need help on taking this gun apart, I cant! Nickster!
My 'smith ALMOST always has something good to say about varrious guns. He told me to STAY AWAY from AMT. There's a reason ot appears to be A DEAL ...............................
I had an AMT backup in .380 ACP, double-action only. Most people complain about the heavy trigger pull but that didn't bother me. What bothered me was it misfired a lot. As I went through the first two boxes of ammo it misfired more and more often. I took it back to the dealer who took the gun back and gave me credit towards my next purchase. AMT was recently bought by another company, perhaps they can improve the quality. Glockdoc/Frank
I have the Back Up II which is the SA only version (& I belive the smallest). I got it from a cop friend of mine who bought it while waiting for her Seecamp to arrive several years ago. After I put about 100 rounds thru it the thing more or less began to fall apart, I wish it did'nt because I really like the size of it but 'oh well. Anyway I would'nt recomend one at any price, I dont feel so bad cause mine was free. There are now alot more guns out there in the same general size, alittle more $$$ but worth it.
I have owned older AMTs, all of which were great for their intended purposes (old AMT Backup .380, discontinued Backup .22LR, and old Hardballer). Apparently, after Harry Sanford (owner & inventor of the .44 Auto-Mag and other AMT models) died, AMT quality went south. That's too bad; the old ones were nice guns.
My AMT is in the 3000 serial range for the DAO. Long, Heavy trigger pull. Only misfires were some scrubby, grungy reloads I loaded that had become wet in a shooting session and was allowed to sit in a cartridge box. My wife hits pins consistantly at 15 yards. Not bad for a gun without any "real" sights.


Root Hog or Die Poor
I owned the same gun , but with OMC instead of AMT. Mine was the absolute origional 380. I found it very reliable , but the recoil was not nice in a short gun . I also hated taking the pins out to clean it. I carried it w/o one in the chamber so I pulled back the slide to chamber and fire quickly. The safety was very poor. The mags fed well , but I did not like the mag release . Mine was carried in a shoulder holster w 2 spare mags. I gave mine away and do not miss it at all.
AMT 380 Backup, how do I hate thee, let me count the ways:

1) Terrible snappy trigger, a kind of sproingy resonance feel.
2) Inaccurate past about 20 feet.
3) Way too much recoil for a .380
4) Major pain to diassemble, trying to get that little spring back into the bolt makes you realize how bad the design is.
5) Does not inspire confidence that it was reassembled correctly.
6) Gets really dirty even with good ammo after not too many rounds.
7) Pathetic little sights.
8) Mag base plate is squared piece of metal that juts uncomfortably into your hand
9) Poor customer service. Took MONTHS to get back.
10) Spare mags cost like $25
This POS really made me a fan of small revolvers.
AMT 380 is not worth having even if it were free. You'd be so much better served with a Taurus light weight M85 .38 revolver if money is an issue.