Some understanding of Physics is necessary to fully grasp the light and fast vs. heavy and slow argument. Velocity is the most efficient means of achieving energy but Newton states that every action has an equal but opposite reaction. Basically the harder the bullet strikes the target, the harder the target pushes back against the bullet thereby working against penetration. If penetration is what you're looking for, then looking at a bullet's momentum is more useful. Mass and velocity have equal effect on momentum so a heavier, slower projectile with the same energy as a lighter, faster one will typically penetrate more because it likely has more momentum. Likewise, a heavier, slower projectile with the same momentum as a lighter, faster one will typically penetrate better because it has less energy and therefore less resistance. The wrench in the works is that while energy often works against penetration, it is helpful to expansion and tissue damage. The key is finding a good balance between energy and penetration because while a bullet with a lot of energy that expands aggressively but penetrates little is not preferable, neither is one that penetrates well but does not have enough energy to reliably expand and thusly does little tissue damage other than boring a relatively small hole. In 9mm, I think that the 124-127grn bullets at velocities in excess of 1200fps give the best balance between the two.