ammunition control


New member
I was seaching for ammo manufacturers when I ran across this. Check it out for yourself //
IMHO, gun control advocats come in two different types. The hard core ban everything because they feel their way is the only way. Then you have those that live in "Bubble land". The Bubble landers think they have the ultimate answers to the questions of crime and violence. They only have one fatal flaw in their thinking. they think that a criminal will be stopped by a law or regualation. This Bubble lander just can't imagine that someone would actually steal ammunition or that a huge illegal black market would develop for unmarked ammunition.

And I would be a part of that market. This yoyo's "proposal" has been up for quite some time. Does anyone know who Rubenstein is?
This guy is a total idiot, just take his statement "Law abiding citizens would have no reason to fear registering their guns. In fact this might protect them if they were ever falsely accused."
Wonder if he feels the same way about the 4th Amendment ? Should the police be allowed to search him and his house anytime they wish? I mean if he isn't guilty of any
thing then he has no reason to object, it may even prove his innocence
And it might be a trifle tough to fit a 6 digit number on a .17 cal or even .22 bullet. Come to think of it, that might be a fine job for the good Doctor.

Voting libertarian means never having to say you're sorry.
I did not read the article so I must ask, is the author suggesting that the bullets be serial numbered or the cases or both?

I shoot my serial numbered bullets at the range but pick up my cases, with serial numbers, and take them home. I then re-load them with my own cast bullets (w/o serial numbers) and head for the range again. This time I pick up some of my neighbor's empty cases that were "registered" to him and re-load them. Now who, by all that's Holy and half that ain't, is going to know where any of this stuff came from if I went bad and plinked somebody?

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
Apparently all reloading equipment will be rounded up too. Anyone with a set of reloading dies would find it insanely easy to defeat this idiotic "bullet idendification" system. Talk about creating a whole new list of problems.

All that law would do is make more criminals out of innocent people and make it more expensive to remain innocent.

Public safety is not their concern. Public disarmament is their concern.

Glad to have finally joined this forum.
This would make me laugh if I didn't think the guy is serious. I CAN'T believe that he has this much trust in the government (LOL). To engage a bit of hyperbole, I'm sure that he would support reductions in teenage pregnancy by instituting a national program whereby all males and females over the age of eleven submit a tissue sample for DNA coding, to be stored by the Feds, and then apply for an incremental permit leading from: kissing-to-necking-to-heavy petting--and so on. They would of course have to submit to random hormone testing to insure that they haven't gone over the "edge." The tissue sample could later be used to resolve paternity disputes, and insure that reluctant fathers pay their share for child rearing (as well as their proposed federal procreation tax).

Good Grief!