Ammunition Control:The Best Gun Control


New member
Having been dealt a series of defeats on gun control it appears that the gun grabbers are going to employ another method.

Controlling ammunition is the secret to controlling gun violence by: Dr. Norman H. Rubenstein.
http://members .

sorry about the address: it worked the day I submitted this topic. If any of you want a copy I have it, just e-mail me and request a copy. The address is confirmed on the print out.
Sell your gold and buy lead the futures look promising.

[This message has been edited by Gunfounder (edited June 26, 1999).]
That someone would think of such a plan, and be willing to publicize it, shows plainly the environment created by the tyrants who rule us.
If you search the TFL archives this subject, and this site were discussed about two months ago. This guy is a fruit-loop, and has a poorly concieved argument.
I have a German Co worker who says in Germany, you can buy the guns - but need a permit to buy the ammo.

Sounds Bass-Akwards to me...

Any gun control to me - just does not make sense.

Mendocino: Sorry, I wasn't a subscriber back then. I can hardly keep up with the forum discussions now much less from the archives. I am sure there are some in the same boat as me.
Surely, it doesn't hurt to discuss the topic again and again prevents complacency. Talk about fruit loops, it seems to me that we have some subsribers to the fruit loop theory in Washington looking at any means to disarm the population.
The fruit loop theorist just don't understand that the laws they pass would only place the enforcers into a real situation that only a fruit loop would enter. The cereal is only dipped in honey to make it taste good, beware the stinger of the workers when you try to make them eat it.