Ammo registration - Albany, NY


New member
Here is legislation introduced in Albany, NY. While not anything new, it is the first I have heard of a government body having a strict timeline to enforce the actual registration of ammunition. The text follows along with the source to the official government site of Albany County.

Albany County
Albany County Ammunition Registration Law

Please pay particular attention to Paragraph 5 as to what records are to be kept with each ammunition purchase.

Introduced: 3/9/09
By Messrs. Steck, Bullock and Ms. Willingham:
BE IT ENACTED by the Albany County Legislature as follows:

Section 1. Intent.
The State of New York has a long history of the licensing and regulation of firearms which balances the rights of gun owners with the necessity to provide for the public safety; the County Legislature finds that the storage, possession, and sale of ammunition in the County of Albany requires the regulation thereof in the interest of the public safety and that such regulation is in harmony with the State statutes governing the possession of firearms; the County Legislature wishes to encourage the purchase of ammunition for legitimate purposes only.

Section 2. Definitions.
Unless otherwise expressly stated, whenever used in this article, the following words shall have the meanings given to them by this section. When used herein:
AMMUNITION — Any projectile commonly known as a "bullet" or "shell."
FIREARM — Any weapon from which a shot is discharged by force of an explosive, or a weapon which acts by force of gunpowder, and shall include any weapon capable of being loaded with powder, ball or ammunition, and shall include any weapon which is otherwise capable of being loaded with powder, ball or ammunition, whether completed, assembled or from which any part or piece has been removed therefrom.
PERSON — Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind.
DEALER — Any person, firm, partnership, corporation or company who engages in the business of purchasing, selling, keeping for sale, loaning, leasing, or in any manner disposing of ammunition.

Section 3. Storage.
Ammunition for sale shall be kept secured at all times when the place in which it is held for sale is not open for business.

Section 4. Sale of ammunition.
A person seeking to purchase ammunition from a dealer shall state the type of firearm for which he or she is purchasing said ammunition and shall identify the firearm as set forth in this local law. Ammunition shall only be sold by dealers to persons possessing a valid firearms license, when a license is required for the type of firearm for which the ammunition is used. When purchasing any other type of ammunition from a dealer, where a firearms license would not be required for the type of ammunition being purchased, a driver’s license shall be required, and the person shall identify the firearm as set forth herein. Ammunition shall only be sold by dealers to persons who comply with the requirements of this local law.

Section 5. Record-keeping.
A record shall be kept by the dealer of each sale of ammunition which shall show the type, caliber and quantity of ammunition sold, the name and address of the person receiving the same, the caliber, make, model, manufacturer’s name and serial number of the firearm for which the purchaser is purchasing ammunition, the date and time of the transaction, and the identifying number of the firearms or driver’s license. Such record shall be maintained for ten years and shall be made available to state and local enforcement agencies upon request.

Section 6. Report of theft or loss to Sheriff’s Department.
Any theft or loss of ammunition from storage shall be reported immediately to the Sheriff’s Department of the County of Albany.

Section 7. Penalties for offenses.
Any person who shall intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly violate or refuse to comply with, or act in concert with another to evade, this article or any provisions thereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding $1,000 or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment in any combination allowable by law.

Section 8. Effective date.
This local law shall take effect 60 days after its approval by the Albany County Legislature.
Referred to Law Committee. 3/9/09
I really didn't expect something like this to be proposed on a county level, especially my own. I haven't heard anything about this in the local news at all, and I am shocked really. It was introduced over a week ago and this is the first I've heard of it, I need to get on top of things.

I suppose this was brought about by the regular shootings in Albany and Schenectady. There is one every two weeks or so. The last one that the media covered most was the death of a 10 year old girl last May. She was shot by a 16 year old who was aiming for somebody else, absolutely terrible. He was just recently sentenced to 15 to life.

Maybe that is whats ringing fresh in the mind of the legislator that proposed this law, but this is bad. People were right, the gov't will go after the ammo before the guns. Saddest part is that rationally it could work, criminals wont want to register their illegal pistols, so they wont buy ammo.. It could work, aside from the fact that there aren't customs agents and checkpoints at the COUNTY BORDER. I wonder if these legislators conceive the fact that this infamous border is a 20 minute drive from anywhere. A classic example of how standardized gun control hurts us lawful folks.

The public hearing is Tuesday night, I am definitely attending.
no wonder people are panic buying!I'm not one of those people who goes to walmart and buys everything they got but If im in a walmart I make sure to buy a box of shells because of legislation like this.yesterday in Oakland ca we had four police officers killed by a ex felon with a handgun and an ak 47.I guess our restrictive gun laws didnt work for those officers.
manufacturer’s name and serial number of the firearm for which the purchaser is purchasing ammunition

How is this even possible since someone could have multiple firearms with the same caliber. Not necessarily pistols like an M&P 45 and a XD45 but a S&W340 and a Marlin .38 carbine. There is no common sense in this bill.
Another case where the anti's go after the ammo because they aren't having the success they want on banning the guns. They certainly can get creative in their efforts to in effect ban anything connected to firearms.

County officials should be bombarded with letters, phone calls, and e-mails opposing the proposed law. Stop it before it gets on the books and becomes a model for the state.
All I can say is, "this is enough to make me cry for you folks." What a sad day in America for legislation of this type to be proposed. :(
Waaay back min the dark ages...after the GCA 68

All ammo purchases were recorded, ID, adress etc. was needed, stores kept the records.

This was quietly dropped after a while, as being both onerous and of no practical benefit.

Now we have a county legislature (didn't know they had such things) has decided to include additional requirements, including gun info (ser#!:eek:).

First of all, I wonder how this would conflict with various pre-emption statutes (if NY even has such), and secondly, there is nothing in the law concerning use of the ammo in a different gun! I wonder if that would be considered a crime?

And third, in the definitions, any person "disposing" of ammo is considered a dealer. Doesn't shooting it "dispose" of ammunition?

Those are just off the top of my head, I'm sure there are other things questionable about the wording, let alone the intent.

Something like this seems impossible, but since it is being done on a county level, where the word of the "legisalture" of the county (I wonder how many people are in that body) is final, it might just pass.

When I lived in NY state, 35+ years ago, we never heard of a county legislature. But then I didn't live in Albany county, I lived in Saratoga county, which was run by the Board of Supervisors.