ammo/full metal jacket/pmc?


New member
My Argentine FM High power is at the FFL dealer now and I am trying to set up a time he will be around for me to pick it up.
So I bought 1 box of Remington 124gr. MC L9MM2 for $15.99 and 2 boxs of PMC 9mm 115gr. FMJ.

I know remington is a name brand I trust .
How is the PMC for ammo quality? i can get that fairly cheap by me.
Also,for target shooting using FMJ ,how great of a chance for ricochet is there shooting into metal spin target?
i know alot of guys here that shoot it from ars.... they say it works well... no problems that i know of. shoots just as accurate as most id say.. for the price.
I've shot it in 115 gr 9mm, and 55 gr .223. Universally good for me. No problems. The 115 gr 9mm seems to have a little more recoil than CCI Blazer Brass, but not much.