America's Criminal Class


New member
Capitol Hill Blue, is doing a 5 part series on our Congressional leaders' affinity for illegal activity. Examples: Congressional members recently charged with shoplifting:8
Fraud: 7
Current defendants in civil lawsuits:21

Drug related offenses in background:14
Bad checks:19
Personal and financial problems severe enough to be denied DOD or DOE security clearances:53
Credit reports so bad they cannot get an American Express Card:71
DUI arrest records:27
Ran at least 2 businesses into bankruptcy:117
Members who failed to use Congressional immunity when applicable:0
As Claude Raines (the French Inspector in 'Casablanca') said, "I am SHOCKED, sir, SHOCKED!".

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
So if your do shady to become a police officer - you can always go into politics and CONTROL the police!

"Supreme authority derives from a mandate from the masses. Not from some farsicle aquatic ceremony."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
If any one of us had done that stuff, we'd be collecting unimployment insurance. Maybe we ought to fire those guys right now. Oh right. They have immunity. I gotta go puke.
Paul B.
I keep trying to tell people... The fact that they WANT the job should be automatic disqualification...

The Bill of Rights, and the Golden Rule are enough for civilized behavior. The rest is window dressing. Shoot carefully, swifter...
A while back, the Washington Post (of all people) had an interesting article about Congressional kids ALGre's among them) who had run afoul of drug laws, and the strings that were pulled to get them off. Charges ranged from simple possession to dealing, mostly stupid kid stuff, but still, the hypocracy was more egregious than the offenses in most cases.

I agree, just wanting teh job should be cause for serious questioning.