America's criminal class...Congress


Moderator Emeritus

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>America, Mark Twain once said, is a nation without a
distinct criminal class "with the possible exception of

If anything, the Congress of today is even worse than it was
in Twain's time more than a century ago.

The 535 men and women who make up the House and
Senate of the United States include, at best, a collection of
rogues, con artists, scofflaws and bad check artists. At
worst, they comprise, as Twain once observed, a distinct
criminal class.....(more)[/quote]

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Interesting, but the REAL criminals are the federal and state judges who have failed to strike the unconstitutional laws which our elected clowns, are supposed to pass if it be pleasing to the majority at the time. The checks and balances system only works when the judiciary stands up and does its part. Yes, Congressmen are shady and probably at times criminal, but the abdication of duty to strike unconst "gun control" laws by the judges, esp. federal ones, amounts to treason in my view.
DC, If search ever comes back I will try to find the post about how us country folks sent one of our neighbors off to do our business in the seat of our government! I get weary thinking about it and Rich and Rob would probably throw me to the ... if I started up on that again!
Futo, great point on the Judicial System;that group of black robed thugs who have conspired with the other 2 branches of government to put the masses real close to slavery. Yes, back to the fact that these judges are enforcing the laws of a corporate government and using lawyers well versed in corporate law. It is a hard point to get across to intelligent people that we have no constitutional government in Washington, DC. The three branches are simply 3 branches of one big corporation. Call the 3 branches anything you want,but they are for sure not anything constitutional. But they are legal since the sheep,all of us, have bought into their whole rotten system since the turn of the century. a person must opt out of this system,but it is not easy to do. If we all did it together it could be done. But it wont happen and pure control is very near.
I hate to cut to the chase here but it seems to me that "Money Talks", "BS Works" as long as you have the money and the money is comming from the taxpayers of The United States of America. Seems to me the term taxpayercitizen seems inapropriateis becomming to mean subject or "non official personel" to me.
The Juggernaugt does advance.