America's admission into TNWO


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This came from Nikki's site:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>A New Form of Unilateral Disarmament

Clinton Empties United States Arsenal

As He Prepares the Nation For Its

Admission Into the New World Order

By Jon Christian Ryter

In 1962, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy issued an Executive Order that started the wheels of world disarmament turning. From that Kennedy-era directive, the State Department produced a doctrinal statement known today as State Department Publication #7277. SDP #7277 detailed the plan under which the United States would initiate the first phase of world disarmament not through a joint agreement with the Soviet Union, but by unilaterally disarming itself. (Ultimately, SDP #7277 calls for the disarming of the population of the United States as it poses the argument that a population that is protected by its government has no practical need for firearms. In reality, since the object of SDP #7277 is preparing the world for global governance, the total disarming of its citizens, who will likely resist the loss of sovereignty, is imperative.)

It was believed by the Council on Foreign Relations members within the Kennedy Administration (the same ones, by the way, whose advice caused the collapse of the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba - and they were the same ones who told Kennedy that the Soviets were not installing missiles in Cuba a year later) that global disarmament could be achieved only if the United States took the first step and dismantled its nuclear arsenal as a show of good faith to the Soviets ... who they imagined would then happily dismantle their own arsenal of nuclear weapons and plant daisies in their missile silos.

The globalists were well on their way to Utopia through the balance of the Kennedy years, the Johnson years, the Nixon years and into the Carter years. But, even as Carter was downsizing the American military, he also authorized the top secret Stealth technology spending bill that led to the Stealth bombers and the laser-guided missiles that won the Gulf War and brought about the final collapse of the Soviet Union.

Ronald Wilson Reagan, the 40th President of the United States, who recognized that the United States could not negotiate with the Soviet Union from a position of weakness, reversed the trends of the previous four presidents and began to rebuild the military of the United States. Part of his plan was to create a laser shield over the United States; an umbrella of protection called the Strategic Defense Initiative. It was during this final arms race that the economically bankrupt Soviet Union collapsed under its own Marxist weight. (It had actually been bankrupt for several years, but in a controlled society, only the bankers knew how bad things were, since the losses from loan defaults were absorbed by the International Monetary Fund, which means they were ultimately paid by the taxpayers of the United States.)

After 8 years of Reagan, the United States was militarily the strongest nation of the world. Of course, that would not be acknowledged by our friends and enemies until the Gulf War. For a brief moment in time, George Herbert Walker Bush was the most popular president in the history of the United States. But, it would be a short-lived popularity. Because Bush could not deliver the globalists North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to the utopians, which would begin the slow and tedious task of transferring the jobs of America to the economically deprived nations in Central and South America, he had to go. A Democrat was needed in the White House to get the Democratically-controlled Congress to pass it. And, more important, what was needed was a man with no moral character, ethics, or integrity to stand in the way of the sell-out of America.

No one fit the bill better than Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton.

William Jefferson Clinton inherited the most powerful nation in the history of the world. Even before the liberal applause at his inauguration had died, Clinton had already set about to dismantle that legacy. Clinton was aided in this crime by a myriad of socialist liberals, both Republican and Democrat, who joined his utopian dream of one world government.

Unknown to most Americans was Clinton's June, 1991 visit to Baden-Baden, Germany (at the invitation of his close friend and advisor Vernon Jordan) to meet the wealthy elite of Europe at the annual Bilderberger conference. It is reported that at this conference (where invitations come only from Crown Prince Bernhardt of the Netherlands) Clinton pleaded his case to become the 42nd President of the United States. That price, we are now certain, was the promised surrender of the sovereignty of the United States of America to the New World Order.

We know this because of the material found in Box #1748 at the National Archive in which the working papers of the Hillary Clinton Health Security Act of 1994 were found. Buried in Hillary's healthcare plan was a lot more than healthcare.

Within those documents were the rudiments of an electronic monitoring system through which access to the roadways of the nation--and intrastate travel--could be controlled. Also buried in the working papers were an internal passport that contained a personal identifier and a computer chip upon which a database on the cardholder could be stored. Also in that chip was a tracking chip that would allow Big Brother to monitor the whereabouts of any citizen in the United States - and the world.

Both systems, the global monitor and the internal passport, according to the working papers were being initiated in every nation in the world and the report, found in what is labeled the "Diebold Report," draws comparisons between the evolution of the systems being implemented in the various nations.

Most startling is the fact that the systems that the Clintons were attempting to implement actually were funded by the Democratically-controlled Congress during the Bush years, with a massive amount of funding on exploring what is known as the Intelligent Vehicle Highway System (IV-HS) technology being provided by the Bush Administration.

That effort, spit and polished by the media until it would appear like a technology that will do nothing more harmful than save lives and eliminate highway congestion, is actually an elaborate GPS system through which the movement of the general population can be monitored, and if need be, controlled by denying access to certain roadways or intrastate travel.

It is important, at this point, for America to remember that last year it was discovered by Congressmen Ron Paul and Bob Barr that the Internal Passport, that was introduced as a national ID card in the Immigration Reform Act of 1996, and had passed in the United States Senate, was stopped in the House. Yet, somehow, when the two versions of the Immigration Reform Act went into joint conference, the national ID card was not stripped from the joint bill as required by federal law since it was never passed in the House. A month later, the national ID card was surreptitiously inserted in the House version of the Omnibus Budget Bill (but not the Senate version), and was signed into law by Clinton. The following spring, the personal identifier which will track every American from birth to death, was inserted into the "take your insurance with you" reform healthcare bill.

The Clinton Administration then extracted the various pieces from the various bills, two of which were illegally passed, and assigned the task to implementing a national driver's license (a clone of the European Union national ID card) to the National Transportation Safety Board. The internal passport will go into effect on October 1, 1999.

Clinton, when he arrived in Washington, was charged with task of surrendering America's arsenal to the United Nations. The only priority the Clintons seemed to have with respect to the armed forces was how to achieve "sexual balance" as it introduced gender quotas on the military. Money earmarked for defense spending was used to add female lavatories in formerly all male barracks. Morale in the military nose-dived and resignations and early retirements of some of the best military people in the world escalated. Clinton, again, was pleased. Downsizing was occurring of its own volition. Today, the military is so understaffed that Clinton's own military advisors have told him that America could not fight two regional conflicts today at the same time without using the same personnel and machines in both conflicts.

In 1995 Clinton issued his famous Presidential Decision Directive #25 which, according to the brief synopsis of PDD25 that he sent to Congress, would turn control of the United States military over to the United Nations "under some circumstances." What those circumstances were was never explained.

Former Congressman Bob B-1 Dornan, the Chairman of the House Armed Service Committee, attempted to get a copy of PDD25 but was denied access to it by Clinton. It was even too top secret for Dornan, who carried the highest security clearance in the nation, to see. It was Dornan's fight with Clinton over PDD25 that led to the illegal vote gathering and illegal activity of enrolling legal aliens (but not citizens) in Dornan's California district in order to vote Dornan out of office.

Clinton's zeal to dismantle the military strength of the United States was reasonably held in check by the GOP Congress for almost five years - until the Balkan crisis gave him the opportunity to dismantle America's instruments of war in a new and enterprising way ... by exploding them.

As the 79 day war in the Balkans began, the United States began expending its missile and bomb inventory at such an alarming rate that several Congressmen and Senators voiced their concerns that, at the rate Clinton was using up the military inventory, by the end of the conflict America would be so weakened that it could be beaten by any second-rate military power in the world.

The rumors came and went, ignored by the media...and worse, by the American people.

Below is a list of the inventory of bombs and missiles expended by the United States during the Balkan 'crisis." A total of 22,000 bombs and missiles were fired and/or dropped on targets in Serbia and Kosovo. Of those, 15,800 came from the military inventory of the United States...and only 6,200 came from the inventories of the other nine European nations who participated in the "allied" attack on a sovereign nation. On the average, those nations each fired or dropped some 700 bombs and missiles each ... approximately 5% of what the United States expended.

The media spinmeisters in the Clinton Administration issued a press released to the media over the weekend in which it said that the "war" in the Balkans cost between $2 billion and $3 billion. That is something of an understatement since the guidance system that is used in those bombs and missiles that were laser guided (all but 8,860 of those used) cost the taxpayers of the United States $151,880,000.00 by themselves--without adding the cost of the bombs or missiles to which they were attached, or the delivery systems, or the manpower, or the gasoline used to fly the missions - or the cost of the use of the air planes themselves.

Interestingly, the 22,000 bombs and missiles destroyed (again, according to the Clinton Administration) 200 of Serbia's 400 artillery pieces; 100 of Serbia's 300 tanks; and 100 of Serbia's 300 armored personnel carriers. (One must question the strategic value of that exchange. 22,000 bombs and missiles to eliminate 400 pieces of military hardware.) Now, that's good shootin'!

Of the estimated 40,000 Serb soldiers and/or paramilitary police in Kosovo, NATO estimated that 10,000 were killed or wounded. The bulk of the bombs and missiles were used to destroy non-military targets such as residential homes, hospitals, power plants, manufacturing plants...and civilians attempting to escape the lethal rain.

Bill Clinton is a proud man today. He has achieved much of his objectives. What were they? First, as a "mover and shaper" of the New World Order he, Tony Blair, and the utopians behind the one-world government movement of the European Union sent a message to all of the nations of the world: there is now a power greater than any nation, and that power can, and will act against any sovereign nation that does not bend to its demands. Second, Clinton solved the problem of eliminating our weapons of war...and was painted by the liberal media as a "war hero" as he did it.

The final step of disarming America is the disarming of the American people and the abrogation of America's right to own firearms. This task is underway today. The Clinton Administration predicts victory this year. When the 2nd Amendment falls, the sovereignty of the United States will fall shortly thereafter. America, weakened to the point that it cannot adequately defend itself against the global military forces of the United Nations, will be forced to capitulate and join the utopian stateless nations of the New World Order shortly after we cross Bill Clinton's toll bridge to the 21st century.[/quote]

The site:

"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited June 17, 1999).]
John, i don't think it will be as easy to disarm America as they think it will be. Wait, let me rephrase that, i hope it won't be that easy. until the GREAT NRA makes the people who only own hunting weapons understand that it's their problem as much as the people who own "assault weapons", we are doomed. they think that all the bans don't effect them, and there by cutting the number of people outraged by what is happening. fewer people on our side = an easier time for the government. in their magazines, the nra should emphasize that all these laws affect everyone w/ a firearm, and keep pounding it into their head till they get their heads out of their collective a$$e$ and join the fight.
Hell, look on here, we've got over 1500 people registered on this forum, and still
don't have enough who gave money to run the FOUP ad
. i know $50 is alot of money to some folks and i can understand them not being able to shell out the money, but looking at the profiles of many people on here i see jobs that pay well enough that $50 ain't s**T. so whats the problem? oh i see,,, someone else will don't it, so they don't need me on this. but i'll be there when the s**T really hits the fan, you can count on me!!!! yeah right!!! have a nice f***ing day!!!

what me worry? hell yes!!

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited June 17, 1999).]
Personally, I am not convinced FOUP will do any good for the stated purpose. But it did turn out to be a most disturbing test of readiness....and we failed.
One of your most endearing qualities is your eternal optimism.
CR, it'll do just as much good as the celebrity thing to the nra. it'll show that there are people out here that care what's going on, that we are paying attention,everyday ordinary people. that's really all it's suppose to do. But hell, we can't even muster up enough people to do that. all this talk, when so and so happens i'm gonna do this, i'm gonna do that, bulls**t!! some of these very same people will be the first to cave. pick your friends very carefully, and watch your back, cause it's liable to get very sh**ty. CR, you're right, we failed very badly. if this is any indication of the kind of support we're going to have in the future, i might as well just turn my stuff in right now and get it over with..... no, i take that back, i have chosen my friends carefully, i know, they've been tested over the years, as i have for them. so we'll have a hell of a time down here for awhile anyway!!!

what me worry? hell yes!!
Since the FOUP thing came up again I'll ask a question. What happens after the next round of restrictions? I don't know if it was written that way or not, but FOUP sounds like a threat. Not one more restriction on this or that....What happens when there is? Is this the line in the sand? What happens when the .50 BMG round is illegalized(?) will that be the last straw? I doubt it. Please correct me if I'm wrong but wont this give the anti's and statists confidence? I have a great respect for everyone on this board and agree with %99.9 of everything said, so I'm not sure how I came down on the wrong side of FOUP. Am I missing something? Please don't say it's better than doing nothing, some things are not wise to post on a public forum.
FOUP is fine as a rallying point (I paid my $50). Trouble is, FOUP is all flying colors...where are our 12-pounder Napoleons?

My impression is that the most my carbine can do is keep me alive an extra minute if I, though back luck or stupidity, end up cornered. It is a personal defense weapon, aka morale crutch for the last ditch. If we get to where the propaganda corps is trying to fight the enemy tanks with personal sidearms, we are screwed.

If we had a civil war over the next year, there will be no winners -- I do not think that we can win without playing so dirty as to resemble the other side closely. So, even if we do "win", the victory will be hollow. This is why I really hope we can find other means of stopping the disarmament process that is snowballing our way, big and brown and smelly...

(As of yet, I have not come up with any good ideas. Sigh. Call me an optimist

Cornered Rat, now at bay Updated March 20
"Disarm, then past the barbed wire, into the oven and out of the smoke-stack..."
Hi guys,
Can someone tell me what FOUP is? Sorry that I'm so new. If it's something that will help, I'll give $100.00 IMMEDIATELY! Please, please also sign the petitions. I know if we get enough signatures it will make a difference!
From: Ivan8883 6-17-99 521 Pm Edt John/az2,I have been following this NWO plan for some time now and try to get the message out when I can and when people do not give me "THE THOUSAND YARD STARE'" at which time I shut upbecause you cannot talk to a drunk(Drunk on TV,Sports, Nascar,Stock Market.)most of my info comes from American Shortwave and also internet.Alex Jones in Austin Texas is doing a great job informing people of NWO plans here at home (Bush Jr.had him nearly arrested at a meeting when Alex questioned him on NWO) Try his wbvsite Spotlite Newspaper is also very informative on what bilderbergers and other NWO creatures have been up to. By the way Comrade has directed our military(missile forces ) to take a first strike before we can retaliate. The sheeple people jsut cannot get the info and since they do not see it on government controlled TV, they think one is crazy. But morwe and more people are coming on line every day.THat is why I personally think NWO with Klinton as Commander in Chief of Nato, willhave to strike against patriots here in America somehow and somewhere(s). Ivan