Americans for gun control


New member
On NPR this morning a section was sponcered by a group called
"Americans for Gun Control"
they listed the url as

funny thing, nothing there & a web search for the phrase listed nothing concrete.

So who pays to have a meme distributed that leads no where?

The indoctrination is in progress

anyone want to control the spin?
Congratulations! is available.
All the domain names below are available.
Click on the names you want. Choose as many as you like.

who would advertize an unregistered URL?
i now control the url!!!!

Domains Ordered

he who hestitates is lost
Now i think we might find out who is paying for national ads for gun control.

i figure could feature helpful guides to obtaing MOA accuracy.

Our Mission

Americans for Gun Safety (AGS) is a new, centrist, non-partisan, national education and
advocacy group dedicated to the advancement of gun safety. AGS currently has grantees
and affiliated gun safety groups in twenty-eight states.

AGS recognizes and supports the rights of law-abiding Americans to own and use guns. We
also believe that with all rights come responsibilities, and we urge shared responsibility for
the safe use, storage and distribution of guns by all parties—manufacturers, dealers,
owners, law enforcement, and members of society in general. AGS is beginning a new
national dialogue, shifting the gun debate from one of rights versus responsibilities to one of
rights and responsibilities.

With the aim of reducing preventable gun deaths and injuries, AGS seeks first to raise
awareness about the need for increased gun safety in our country. We will also advocate a
range of common sense individual, state and national solutions to reduce gun access by
criminals and children. These solutions will include stricter enforcement of existing laws,
closing the loopholes in state and national laws, adoption of safe gun design features,
promotion of gun safety training, and other sensible approaches to reducing gun violence.

AGS is confident that our common sense approach to gun safety will work. We can make
this country safer from gun violence, but only when all parties involved with guns recognize
that they can and must contribute to the solution. Americans know that we can do more to
promote safety without infringing upon the rights of responsible, law-abiding gun owners.
AGS is committed to work with all Americans to find these solutions.

AGS, based in Arlington, Virginia, was founded in July 2000, and is supported by Mr.
Andrew J. McKelvey, the Tides Center, the Tsunami Fund and other donors. Over the next
year, we will be bringing together a wide range of civic and business leaders who share our
commitment to a safer America to be members of an AGS national advisory board.

Action Plan

Consistent with our "rights and responsibilities" approach, Americans for Gun Safety will
undertake a three-part action plan:

National Awareness Campaign

AGS will lead an unprecedented multi-year, multi-million dollar national awareness
campaign to educate Americans about the facts of gun violence and the need for
sensible solutions. AGS will encourage citizens and political leaders to actively support
our call for rights and responsibilities. This awareness effort will include:

A national network television advertising campaign
to be launched in 2001

A web site and toll free number that provides information and avenues for citizen
action to advance the cause of gun safety

A state-by-state billboard campaign

Support Common Sense Solutions at the Grassroots Level

AGS will help expand local grassroots capacity and foster the development of
community-based, common sense solutions by supporting existing state gun safety
organizations across America. While the gun debate has been stalled in Congress,
many state grassroots organizations have made important progress by developing
local and state solutions to improve gun safety. AGS will help expand these efforts by:

Providing these non-partisan groups with funding, training and services. Currently,
AGS has grantees and affiliated gun safety groups at the grassroots level in
twenty-eight states

Supporting state-backed citizen education and awareness efforts, working with
state groups to support sensible national and state gun safety measures

Increasing citizen membership in state groups

Support Public Dialogue and Policy Development Efforts

AGS will support ongoing public dialogue and policy development efforts that highlight
the need for stronger enforcement of existing laws and promote common-sense
solutions. These will include:

Sponsoring conferences with AGS grantees, affiliated groups, and other interested
organizations to share strategies and success stories

Hosting conferences to educate local and state legislators about effective gun
safety laws

Supporting dialogue between gun owners and non-gun owners, to search for
common ground on solutions to reduce gun violence

Using these findings to encourage and cultivate a broad spectrum of civic leaders
such as teachers, public health experts, law enforcement, community and religious
leaders, gun owners and others who are committed to finding sensible solutions to
improve gun safety

Grantees and Local Affiliates

AGS has 28 grantees and local affiliates, and more are planned.
For information, see our list of Local Groups.
Common ground? Isn't that the area in "The Patriot" that the cannonball bounced from, taking off the head of a Continental soldier?

a ... group dedicated to the advancement of gun safety

Excuse me, but doesn't the NRA already fill that role? Why do we need another one when the NRA fills that one quite well? After all, haven't accidental firearms deaths been falling for over 50 years, in large part due to NRA safety training?

I guess I'm just too dense to "get it". [/sarcasm]
"Finding common ground" is Liberal code for "Conservatives giving ground". Stupid question-why don't liberals have the stones to say what they want in plain english?

Answer-because they are socialists and what they want is total control of the populace.

I'm going to stop my rant here because I can feel my blood pressure rising.
Americans for Gun Safety

I went to their site and E-Mailed them a message that the NRA had an excellent Gun Safety training program. Wonder what kind of response I'll get?
Just who in the Hell do they think that they are fooling? I practice safety AND control everyday! I am so tired of the buzz words and phrases. "Lets all get together now".
K M A '"Americans" For Gun Safety'. "Facts"; can't wait to
read those. Jeezis, what a bunch of Barbara Striesand.
the AGS effort is underwritten by the guy from


Owner of joins gun-control battle
By Associated Press, 10/2/2000

EW YORK - owner Andrew McKelvey has joined in the gun control fight, sinking $12 million into a new group,
Americans for Gun Safety, Newsweek reports in this week's edition.

But the group will not be a typical gun control advocacy organization. McKelvey said he sees his group falling somewhere in
between avid gun-control supporters and the National Rifle Association.

The hope is to get both those on sides of the issue to rally around ''common sense'' solutions, such as tougher enforcement of
existing gun-control laws and safer gun designs to prevent children from using them, McKelvey told the magazine.

The group will make its debut this week with television ads in Colorado and Oregon, where referendums on background checks
for gun-show sales are slated this November.

McKelvey, who according to Forbes magazine is worth $2.1 billion, made the bulk of his fortune with Maynard-based Monster
.com, the world's biggest online job-hunting and recruitment portal. He lives in New York City.

Americans for Gun Safety is nonpartisan. It has already reached out to more than 50 statewide gun violence groups with the
offer that, if they become chapters, they will be given $60,000 a year to pay their staff and equip their offices.

Twenty-eight groups have signed on.