American Women should be Embarrassed

Jeff Thomas

New member
DC and others may nail me for this, but I respect you, so I'll take my chances.

I watched CSPAN last evening for hours. It got to the point where I began wondering if all of the women in that chamber were simpletons. One after the other they marched up to the mike, asked to 'revise and extend' their remarks, and then gave a little anti-gun speech - clearly contrary to their parliamentary procedures. They all looked at each other and grinned and cuddled, as if they were having fun at some social event, or showing good 'ol girl 'solidarity'.

Then, almost without fail, they'd mention how they were doing this 'for the children', yadda, yadda, yadda. How cynical! Yes, by all means - let's trash the Constitution ... 'for the children'.

That phrase is now a litmus test for me. Anyone using that phrase is lying through his / her teeth. It is so cute to tell me they are working their a***s off to destroy my sons' rights in order to save them. By all means ... let's turn the country into one big District of Columbia, where the bad guys have guns, and the honest people are denied the right to defend themselves.

Let's continue to restrict the number of rounds of ammunition, how much I can buy, its caliber, the features on my firearms, where I can possess a firearm, when I can buy one, whose permission I must ask, and on and on.

And, let's do it for the children.

For heavens sake - women in America would do well to start criticizing their representatives when they show such specious logic. IMHO, these women leaders have not done their gender proud on this issue. We need powerful female intelligence right now - not simply emotion.

Of course, we have a lot of male bozo's in the House as well, but that's another thread ...
Well Jeff...
I think you described all liberals, not just women. If you recall the impeachment proceedings and any "partisan" issue all the liberals tend to demand special favors, or take them; thusly trashing standard parlimentary proceedings. As well, "For the children" is the requisite liberal battle cry...they all use it.

I will agree that emotionalism does run rampant among female leaders...I suspect thats why they were elected. When playing the "feelings" game, women have more credibility, thus they are more influential when that tactic is needed.
I do believe, though not limited to women, that the vast majority of Senators and Representatives have absolutely no conceptual grasp of the fundamental principles of our gov't. I used to believe that people like that were just corrupt and trying to pull a fast one....I now believe that most of our Reps are no more educated, aware, principled and consciencious than the average citizen who wants Daddy and Mommy Gov't to give them stuff.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I think you are selling these congress critters short. They do know what they are doing. For the children gets them votes from the people. That's why they are up there. They believe that is why they were elected.

No don't sell them short. Do not underestimate your enemy.


I was referring to new electees....I agree that after awhile they become corrupted if they decide they like the job and power.

Let's use Ms McCarthy from NY as an example...she was a single issue, empassioned anti-gun candidate....the perfect example to tug the emotions...the widow and mother of a wounded child due to the Long Island train shooting. I believe her original motivation was innocent, misguided, but at least pure. She is now a seasoned Rep and has had time to see the true picture. I think she is now corrupt

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
DC, your points are well taken. Yes, this does describe most liberals. Perhaps I just notice it more with women, and perhaps that is because I am a man.

I also concur with the perspective that some anti-self defense types (in Congress or otherwise) are perhaps drawn to their side because of personal tragedy and experience. But, I think after they have been in that role for some time, they have to be either stupid or dishonest to continue trumpeting their foolishness. And, I think in short order they learn how to tell everyone they're just looking for 'reasonable reform'. They know darn well they have a longer term plan that takes the whole debate much, much further than they will usually admit.

DrJon, I'm glad to hear your wife felt the same. Mine was ashamed of them as well.
Why be ashamed of someone over which you had no control? I'm not ashamed to be a man, and look at all the crap stupid, immoral, unethical and outright criminal men have done, our "Commander in Chief" no less.

Only be ashamed if you voted for them.

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."
"Only be ashamed if you voted for them."

Thank you, Mr. Ipecac!

Folks, ponder well for whom you will cast your vote next time.

Vote - for a change.
When those clowns in congress finally get through america;s children will be so safe it will make your head spin, except when they get through america's children will be giving every nickel to the govt in taxes.
It just goes to show that if the democrats cannot get their way they will go outside the lines to make the process as grueling as possible.
Its true that they know exactly what they are doing. Why would any normal person completely disconnected from what happened in colorado still be weeping about it unless they felt it had some benefit for them.
by the way, according to sheila jackson lee when she was reading an account of a murder she stated that the victim "died at HANDS OF AN ASSAULT RIFLE" i didn't know rifles had hands but this one must have been special.
Jeff. Don't get all riled up, but this is "FOR THE CHILDREN." Teach them responsibility. Responsibility for their actions. Teach them that what Bill Clinton has done is immoral. Teach them the 3R's. Our kids have been dumbed down so badly it hurts. Teach them that for every action, there is a reaction. Break a law and you will be punished. (have to outlaw plea bargaining for that one to work) Break an adult law,(murder, armed robbery, serious assault, etc.) do time as an adult.
In plain English, it's a mean old world out there, and they might as well learn it now.
This was not meant as a flame at you, but at the BS our politicians and the NEA have put out that is harming our kids. I purposely left out religion, as that is a personal choice to be made by the individual. Rant mode off.
Paul B.
Paul, no offense taken. As a matter of fact, my boys watched CSPAN with me for some time. I pointed out the factual errors cited by the liberals. And, my oldest boy knows enough about firearms that he started pointed out the absurdities as well.

It gave me an opportunity to explain to my kids how even so-called leaders can lie and mislead. Clinton and his cronies are doing a good job of teaching our kids how not to live. So, they are 'doing it for the children' ...
"I would rather live in a world which treated children as adults than one which treated adults as children." Lizard, online grouch, /.

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."