American Woman sets Olympic record


New member
I just read where Kim Rhodes became the first Woman and second athlete to medal in 6 straight Olympics. She was in the Skeet competition. Congratulations to her.
Yes, indeed. Ms. Rhode is great exemplar for our sport. She's planning to go for her seventh Olympics in Tokyo, and if L.A. gets the nod in 2024, she says she'll go for eight.

Go Kim!
I cannot remember the author but I do remember some fictional book that had a humorous bit about the Olympics in the 1920's where the track and field and swimming athletes were young men in peak physical condition constantly working out and eating right and the British trap shooting team were a bunch of wealthy old guys somewhat over weight from rich living that sat around in their tweed suits in the evenings drinking brandy and smoking cigars. It was a fictional book and might not be true.

Today's shooters all seem to be VERY physically fit. Kim Rhode just turned 37 and hopefully will continue shooting in many more Olympics.

I, like I'm sure everyone here, have the highest respect for ALL the Olympic shooters.

Hmmm...2024 Olympics in L.A. might require a Presidential pardon for her to get her shotgun into California. (Shades of the 2012 Olympics in London.)
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Doctor Susan Nattrass won the Gold at the World Championships in 1974, '75, '77, '78, '79, '81, and 2006. The first ever woman to participate in the trapshooting event in '76. Not much to look at either, but she's smart. Medical researcher in osteoporosis.
Most shooters have played more than anybody else. Horsey types right behind 'em though.
Hmmm...2024 Olympics in L.A. might require a Presidential pardon for her to get her shotgun into California.

Yep, by then those evil high capacity double barrel shotguns will be banned in Kalifornia. ;)