American Rifleman article- reference Obama

Dusty Rivers

New member
Please read the article in the August American Rifleman on page 15-16 by Chris Cox NRA-ILA Executive director.

" Senator Obama- during his BRIEF career in the US Senate, he voted for the ammunition ban."

the article goes on to state that Obama supported or opposed several laws that infringe greatly on the rights of gun owners.

Last paragraph " If Obama is elected president, you can be sure many of the worst gun laws in the states will have a new friend in Washington. That alone is enough reason for every gun owner to vote this November"

wonder what Obama would think if the secret service had to stack all their guns and just use mean looks to protect him. Isn't it amazing? I will say this till I am blue in the face. If you own or want to own or shoot a firearm you better get your friends, and family members registered to vote , out on voting day, and supporting McCain. He is our last best hope for our constitutional rights to be protected.

your vote and support count Join the NRA, vote for McCain
wonder what Obama would think if the secret service had to stack all their guns and just use mean looks to protect him.
I absoultely think they should. The SS men should hold a press conference and report that in order to express solidarity with Obama's gun-grabbing policies that they are trading in their Glocks and MP5's for pointed sticks (and upgrading their body armor to military-grade.)

I'd like to hear how Barack Purple Hussein Gumby Obama would attempt to spin that little development.