American Range Trip day


New member
Kim passes on a good idea.

Kim du Toit
June 14, 2006
12:06 PM

Publicola suggests that we all “celebrate” the anniversary of the horrible Kelo decision on June 23, by turning it into ART Day (see link for details).

Sounds like a good idea to me. On the other hand, any excuse to go to the range is a good one.

And just so that everyone can see that ART Day is not just a feelgood idea: let’s all send our targets to the United Nations Small Arms Conference the next day (they’ll get to NY on Tuesday or Wednesday).

One rule, and one rule only: No picture targets (of Kofi, the UN flag or anything like that). Just shoot up ordinary target circles or silhouette targets, and send ‘em in.

Here’s the address:

H.E. Mr. Prasad Kariyawasam (President)
UN Small Arms Review Conference 2006
UN Headquarters
First Avenue at 46th Street
New York, NY 10017

Pass the word around. Maybe a few thousand targets filled with bullet-holes will give these GFW types something to think about.

stay safe.
