American-made BUIS?


New member
Wow! All I want is a set of buis for my 1st AR15 Aero Precision build that are built right here in the good ol' USA in a pro-2A state. ..easier said than done.
..came across Dagger Defense that boasts "COMBAT VETERAN OWNED COMPANY," with Reviewers thrilled to death they're getting 4 1/2 star iron sights for $26 made by a company OWNED BY US VETERANS & EMPLOYING US VETERANS. Hith can it get any better'n that?
But wait: then there are other Reviewers saying CHINA is written all over the packaging. Ha! Is the guy misleading potential buyers or what? Or is it just common sense to assume any sights going for $26 can't be made in America. Some things it would seem you shouldn't need a picture for. ..agree?
So maybe DD isn't totally up front. But maybe folks oughta be able to catch that.
Then you have Yankee Hill & Troy Industries. But they're both in MA, one really big x gun-unfriendly state. ..don't wanna support a buncha GUN GRABBERS so MA sounds like a place to avoid. ..would love YHM or Troy sights, maybe, but can't see funding an eventual gun takeaway scheme. Wth are these guys doing in MA anyway?
Magpul might work. But TX, I'm afraid, is rapidly becoming CALIFORNIA EAST so I've heard. ..all them thar CA libs moving to Austin to avoid the suffocating regulations & cost, only to bring their failed ideology right along with.
Sig makes a set for $100 & they're in very 2A friendly NH, or at least their HQ is afaik.
PRI in OH has a set of flip-ups & I figure OH is pretty darned gun-friendly. They let you go into a bar with your ccw so long as you don't drink. ..sounds fair. And they grant a lot of Reciprocity to carriers from other states. ..kinda pricey, but since I don't buy 'em everyday I'd be willing to cough up the coin just to keep all my toys American.
Am I missing anyone?
Well honestly yes, but if you are happy with where they are made and they are an approved state on your list, then you got it covered.
Sorry, I am saying you pretty well have it covered to my knowledge, you've removed the other candidates based on views so down to Ohio which looks to meet your criteria.
Then you have Yankee Hill & Troy Industries. But they're both in MA, one really big x gun-unfriendly state. ..don't wanna support a buncha GUN GRABBERS so MA sounds like a place to avoid. ..would love YHM or Troy sights, maybe, but can't see funding an eventual gun takeaway scheme. Wth are these guys doing in MA anyway?
Ignoring the states where the fight for freedom is edging toward a loss for our side is not going to help. All it will do is accelerate the process.

Magpul might work. But TX, I'm afraid, is rapidly becoming CALIFORNIA EAST so I've heard. ..all them thar CA libs moving to Austin to avoid the suffocating regulations & cost, only to bring their failed ideology right along with.
The same is happening to Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Arizona, Montana, and the rest of the "gun friendly" states.
If you don't want Californians moving to free states, you need to build a wall.
Punishing Texas for Californians wanting to live there is not the answer.

PRI in OH has a set of flip-ups & I figure OH is pretty darned gun-friendly. They let you go into a bar with your ccw so long as you don't drink. ..sounds fair. And they grant a lot of Reciprocity to carriers from other states.
Ohio legislators plan to attempt to ban or implement a registration scheme for "assault weapons" during their next session.
Still sound fair?...
..appreciate the update, FrankenMauser. Well, at least give him credit for thinkin' 'bout it. ..probably do another post on iron sights to get some more ideas.