American Jewish Congress to Announce Drive Demanding Congress Pass Tough Gun Control


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American Jewish Congress to Announce Drive
Demanding Congress Pass Tough Gun Control Laws

U.S. Newswire
13 Sep 14:50

To: National and Assignment desks, Daybook Editor
Contact: Stephen Steiner, 212-360-1540,
or Matthew Dorf, 202-332-4001,
both of the American Jewish Congress;
Web site:

News Advisory:

Supported by leading members of Congress and other dignitaries,
The American Jewish Congress will issue a national call to action --
"STOP THE GUNS: PROTECT OUR KIDS" -- on Tuesday, Sept. 14, for
1 million Americans to sign petitions demanding that the U.S.
Congress pass tough gun control legislation requiring licensing
and registration of guns.

"Gun violence in the United States has reached levels that defy
belief," declared AJCongress National President Jack Rosen,
announcing the organization's response. "We were horrified over
Littleton, we were horrified over the North Valley Jewish Community
Center, we were horrified by all the shootings in between, and who
knows when or where it will happen next."

"We are disappointed," said Rosen, "that Congress as a whole has
failed to overcome special interests and to enact effective gun
control legislation. We are aware that there are a substantial
number of members of Congress who would support gun control
legislation if they had the opportunity to do so. We want to help
provide them with that opportunity."

American Jewish Congress press conference to announce "STOP THE
GUNS: PROTECT OUR KIDS," a national call to action for 1 million
Americans to sign petitions demanding tough gun control legislation
requiring licensing and registration of guns.

-- Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.),
Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.),
Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and
Paul Wellstone (D-Minn.)

-- Reps. Tom Lantos (D-Calif.),
Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.),
Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.),
Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.),
Donald Payne (D-N.J.),
Janice Schakowsky (D-Ill.) -- note: Benjamin Smith unleashed his gun violence in her district, which includes Evanston -- and
Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.)

-- Sarah Brady, chair of Handgun Control Inc.

-- Carol Kingsley of San Francisco and her 7-year-old son Zack
Berman; she is the widow of Jack Berman, the late President of the
AJCongress Northern Pacific Region, who was gunned down in a San
Francisco office building along with seven others in July 1993.

-- The Orthodox, Conservative and Reform movements of Judaism will
all be represented at the press conference.

House Triangle (Inclement weather location: HC-9)

Tuesday, Sept. 14, at noon

To begin the program, which is being held in the days preceding
Yom Kippur, rabbis will blow the Shofar as a call to action.

-- Stephen Steiner, national director of public relations,
212-360-1540 or 718-849-1243 (home); or
-- Matt Dorf, director of governmental and public affairs,


/U.S. Newswire 202-347-2770/
09/13 14:50

Contact these people NOW!

Go to...

...and politely let them know how foolish they are to support guntrol after all that Jews have been through.

Joe's Second Amendment Message Board
I contacted them. Told them I was in Texas and you can pass any law you want but that we won't follow it down here. Asked them now what? We have over 50% of the household in Texas with firearms. What were they going to do, pull a Waco raid on every house in the state? Left my real name too.
Thank you. These folks might claim to speak for Jews, just like J.Jackson might claim to speak for Blacks, but they are lying. Can you imaging JJ speaking for <A HREF=""" TARGET=_blank>"</A> Walter Williams or those AJC Quizlings speaking for me!? In time of peace, we speak for ourselves, else let the rifles talk. Seriously, folks...

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited September 14, 1999).]
I left them a little note telling them to go to the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership for some details on how disarmed peoples are the victims of genocide; to go to Professor Rummel for information on Democide, or Death by Government, and to use his research that shows the freer the country, the less democide; asked them when they will call for the military, police, and all armed federal agents to unilaterally disarm; even asked if they will want DiFi to relinquish her CCW and pistol.

Aaron Zelman is right, some people have a "gas chamber" mentality.

"...the probability of the people in power being individuals who would dislike the possession and exercise of power is on a level with the probability that an extremely tender-hearted person would get the job of whipping-master in a slave plantation."
Prof. Frank H. Knight
This is what I sent to them. Though they'll probably throw it in the trash.

Shame on you for falling into the trap that millions of good people fell into in Hitlers Germany. Shame on you for calling for more gun control when we as Americans DO NOT PROSECUTE CRIMINALS who break the 20,000 gun laws in effect today. Shame on you for not blasting the liberals in Washington who coddle criminals. Shame on you for abandoning the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Shame on you for moving to make felons out of good decent law abiding citizens who would never do you harm. Shame on you from a patriotic citizen who will fight to his last breath for this country. I do not believe that you would fight for me and my rights so I will not figt for yours.
A Patriot.

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.