American Derringer, they are still open 11-2015

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I spoke to them today. Their phone number is on the website but I'll post it here 254-799-9111

The lady I spoke to said that they no longer have dealers. They sell directly to the public and ship to an FFL of your choice to handle the transfer only. The DA 38 that I wanted is over 600 dollars however. I'll probably get the Bond Arms for ~half that for now but it's good to know they are still operating. If I get a high paying job in the future I will certainly try to buy something from them just to support the little guy.

I hope this is useful to someone and I really hope someone buys from them. I like their story and it's good to see a smaller company still hanging in there. Too many industries have been swallowed up by mega mergers as it is.
Agreed. I REALLY want the DA38. I mean really. Now that I know they exist this may change my plans. I was saving money for a Bond Arms. It's hard to justify two derringer toys being how impractical they are but then again why not. If it makes me happy.
I've worked with five ADs & three Bonds.
Still have the AD, the Bond just wasn't practical.
The AD CAN ride in a pocket (and has), the Bond's just too big.

Both are nicely made.

My wife still has her Bond in .357/.38 from her caboy shootin' days. :)
That's interesting and thanks for the info. I used to see her at TX gun shows but haven't for awhile.

I wonder if they are assembling guns from existing parts inventory?
They don't seem to be very interested in making, marketing or selling their guns. The website looks a little dated.

I bought a couple guns directly from them, still own one. Nice enough folks.
They don't seem to answer emails either which is why I assumed they were closed. I called one day out of sheer boredom alone knowing in my heart they would not be there.

I really like their designs and an antique website is ok if they answer their emails or at least add a small section to let people know it's being updated. I've seen worse anyway.

I will try to get a DA38 in the next year.
They've been very casual about production & marketing for several years now.
Not a huge presence in the derringer field. :)
Here is a few of my derringers except for the Boberg. The Am Derringer are the 2 on top right side.
The American Derringer DAD is 9mm. The other is 38.

The DA38 is smaller than the Snake Slayer, hmm. I suspect it's a tad smaller than the Texas Defender as well but probably very close.
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