American 180 select fire?


Hi all, im new here..
I am in the process of purchasing an American 180 (My first NFA toy, but more will follow) and would like to know what i would need to do to convert it from being full time full auto to select fire..
I would also like to know if said conversion would be legal..
Im new to this game..

In fact i cant even start my transfer till next week, as im only 20 years old..:mad:

thanks in advance for all your help
well the one i am looking at is in the "B" serial number range, out of SLC, and i believe it is simply full auto, or safe..
Either that or no one knows how to select it, including the previous owner..
If by chance you know more than we do .. enlighten me .. i honestly dont know..
There's already a selector on it. The safety is an M16 style lswitch, but to go from semi to full, there is a push button on the side of the receiver. One side is semi, the other is full. I'd recommend you stay off the semi and avoid too many bursts with it though. 180's prefer to run a full drum, not the stop/start of bursts or semi. Additionally, you'll find that because of the way the selector push button bar is designed, you'll have far more brerakages of that part the more you do bursts and semi. That bar takes a good bit of stress every time you stop the gun with the bolt locked back (and thus ready to fire); eventually it will snap.
i see, many thanks for your help, next time i see the gun (which may be a while.. unfortunately, you guys know how slow these things can go..)
ill have to play with it.. i dont expect ill use in on semi much anyways.. but it seems like a nice feature..
Also, if i do break said pin, where can i get a new one affordably?
just for future reference.. sounds like a recurring problem..
The breaking selector pin is a common problem with 180's. I never broke one on mine because I hardly ever stopped on a loaded drum. Just remember, every time you lay off the trigger on a loaded drum, you're putting more stress on that pin and increasing the chance of a breakage. New pins and 180 parts can be had from only one source - Val Cooper at E&L manufacturing. Val is a great guy to deal with and very helpful. If you're interested in some extra drums, I have a few of the lexan 165s, and 3 or 4 of the original steel 165rd drums as well as some other small parts and accessories. I loved my 180, but I sold it off last year to fund another M16 which will be used exclusively with the LM7 beltfed upper, and maybe the AM180 type M16 upper from Craig Wheatley (I've got a deposit in on the LM7, still haven't decided on Wheatley's).
Yeah, it is select fire.. i feel dumb now :o
I guess the previous owner didnt know either..
he was more of a "collector" than a "shooter"..
anyone have experiance with what ammo they like?
Federal lightnings always worked well for me, and thats what Val recommends. AM180s can be ammo sensitive, so you should find one or two brands that work well for you (usually a high velocity round) and stick with them.