Amber flints v. black flints

I began reading the book, The Queen's American Rangers. It mentioned how the Brown Bess could throw a ball out to 200 yards but that it was accurate only out to 100 yards. Yeah, sure.

Anyway, the author, Donald Gara, also said that black flints last longer than amber flints. I've never heard this before and never used amber flints. Thoughts?
depends on the lock and frizzen hardness.

English flints have very poor performers on my lyman and traditions flinters. They always break off a corner or are poorly shaped into fat stubs. Poor sparking as well.

Put a french amber flint on and its a thing of beauty and they last a long time as well. Do they crack at times? Yes, some times, but they certainly dont shatter like those english flints.
So I have heard !!!

Anyway, the author, Donald Gara, also said that black flints last longer than amber flints. I've never heard this before and never used amber flints. Thoughts?
At the last rendezvous I attended, there was a fella with a trade blanket and napping flints. He was asked a related question and he said that they grays and blacks, make the better flints. Stated that it had tighter grain. Was not aware that flints had grain .. :confused:

Be Safe !!!
I am not a geologist.

The color of flint (or chert) is derived from the impurities, organic or otherwise, contained within. I don't think the color necessarily equates to better material. Pahoo, your knapper may have meant finer grain(s) instead of tighter grain. I hope he did anyway.