manipulates reviews to boost Nancy Pelosi's book


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Now I know is their own freaking company, and they can do whatever the h___ they want. It's just a bit, well, shameful. Are TV stations allowed to broadcast the paid ads from one political candidate but refuse to broadcase those of the candidate's rival? It's not quite the same, but....

Know Your Power: A Message to America's Daughters (

When I saw this page last week (yes, yes drudgereport), there were literally hundreds of very negative reviews, giving the book a very solid 1 star. Now there are only a few dozen. I'm sure the editors removed some of the flagrently flaming reviews, and the reviews of people who ran across the site via drudge. But to delete hundreds upon hundreds of negative reviews, just to boost the book's ratings?

On the other hand, they didn't get rid of any of the postitive reviews. What's the deal with that? With many of the positive reviews, it's plainly obvious that reader gave it 5 stars but didn't actually read the book (i.e., "I was told this book is great so I'm giving it 5 stars")

I skimmed the book at a bookstore (some excerpts are available in the editorial reviews section), and regardless of her politics, her writing is pure, 100% CRAP. Not the kind you find on cow pastures, mind you, because at least that kind can be used for beneficial fertilizer. Nope. It's the kind that you discover when your septic tank bursts. It's just gawdawful. But let's not dismiss the glowing reviews from so many credited editorial sources. Nor the tour on all those talk shows. Bias? Ahem.

In other news, her sales were terrible. Related, of the top ten selling political books, 3 of them are anti-Obama. Wanna bet the positive reviews on those books are being deleted?

That is to say, the Speaker's book is doing pathetically, but 3 anti-Obama books are doing quite well. Last I checked, wasn't Obama supposed to be doing his victory laps by now? Despite obscene media bias, and apparently the bias of even Amazon, many Americans still haven't taken the bait. Perhaps there is hope - just not the kind of hope Obama wants.

Ultimately, I'm more concerned that Nancy Pelosi, a beacon of so-called "Bay Area Values," is in charge of the House. A woman born rich, who married an even richer husband, was a rank and file until a position opened up. I guess cheap gasoline doesn't concern you much when chauffeurs amount to little more than pocket change for you.

We could always do an experiment. Pick up the book at the bookstore, force yourself to read a few random pages, then review the book on Amazon. Let's see how fast your review gets deleted.
I just read some excerpts.
she's a failure at writing and being speaker of the house. maybe she should get a new career.

She'd probably be better off as the mayor of San Francisco. Then the title of San Fran Nan would really fit. The nation would certainly be a whole lot better of with her as mayor of San Fran than speaker of the house and third in line for the Presidency. She is a knot head, in my opinion.
She'd probably be better off as the mayor of San Francisco.

Gavin Newsom, the mayor San Francisco, is doing just fine. He's pushing through legislation that will fine residents $1,000 if they don't sort their trash into recycling, compost, and waste disposals.
National Review had a review of Pelosi's book.

The excerpts sounded just...wretched.

Here, I'll go find a couple.

As long as we recognize the power within us, we will continue to have choices, and we will continue to lead.

Powerful stuff. I'm thinking of having my signature changed to that!

Courage springs from the heart.

Deep, man. Deep.

The customer reviews over on Amazon are hillarious.
The customer reviews over on Amazon are hillarious.

One of the funniest ones, if not the funniest, was deleted. I copied it because it was so funny. Glad I did, because it's been deleted. Granted, it doesn't sound like Mr. Chaz Smith actually read the book.

Doing her part to hasten Global Warming, July 29, 2008
By Chaz Smith

The democrat matron of global warming hysteria is doing her part to destroy the planet by writing an unnecessary book - to be made out of paper and ultimately tossed in a landfill?

Even if her publishers are using recycled paper, they are still using materials that could be used for a better purpose. The printing process and delivery of the book also squander valuable energy and resources that could go to better use.

So park your SUVs and turn off your air conditioners… Nancy needs the power to make profits from her book.

Anyone who buys this book should, out of deference for the planet, multipurpose the material and use it for toilet paper - preferably before they read it.

Also, I don't know that Nancy is even qualified to advise America's daughters on empowerment. Women are not "empowered" just because they were next in line for the promotion they received. They have to do something constructive with the promotion once they receive it.

It must require a lot of mental gymnastics and reality forging to be only 9% effective at your job (according to current polls) and expect people to buy a book advising how to achieve that level of success (read failure).
it failed to mention the tax payer funded gas guzzling jet she flies.

almost as hypocritical as Al Gore.
applesanity posted:
Gavin Newsom, the mayor San Francisco, is doing just fine. He's pushing through legislation that will fine residents $1,000 if they don't sort their trash into recycling, compost, and waste disposals.

The residents of San Francisco should be fined $1000.00 if they don't "vote" their "trash" out of office and into recycling, compost, landfills and waste disposal sites. :D
I wonder how the publisher is taking her slow sales. I wonder how much "upfront" money they paid her. Hopefully, they lose a lot of money and PR over her failed tome. Of course, one of the reasons she gives for not being able to come back to Washington is because she is busy selling her book. I don't begrudge her the time to try and sell her book, but isn't she just "wasting" time? ;)

How many books has she sold so far, about 2700 or so? How many public libraries have bought it, about 2700 or so? :p

The unions will be buying up a bunch and "donating" them. They'll end up in public schools, public libraries, and public landfills. :rolleyes:
I can't think of any possible reason to buy her book. Obviously, right wingers won't bother, and she hasn't exactly done for her left wing base what she was hired for (impeachment), so that leaves the centrists.. of which there are like 12 in the country, and which of them would care what she says?

Amazon historically has removed obviously fabricated badreviews... like those that are posted the first day a book is listed, so I'm not inclined to think there is any political motivation. For entertainment, it is fun to read reviews on Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard... it used to get more reviews than buyers. . .

I was in Denver one time for some training and there were some L. Ron Hubbard supporters, downtown, hawking Dianetics and trying to recruit people to their cause or organization.

One of them came up to me and asked if I had ever heard of L. Ron Hubbard. Being a smart alec I said, "Why no, I haven't". The guy says to me, "He was a genius. A man before his time. Have you ever read his book Dianetics?"

That's when I hit him with "Oh, you mean he's the author of that piece of trash? I wouldn't use it for toilet paper out of respect for my own hind end".

The guy looked stupified, but he walked away, which was all part of my master plan. Moooo aaaaahaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaa. ;)
Sales of the book would increase dramatically if they would lower the price and drill a hole in an upper corner. That makes it easier to hang on the nail in the outhouse.