Amazing! Gun page on (w/yet another poll)


New member
Didn't have time to look at all of the links, but has a "gun page." It's got gun saftey links, as well as pro and anti-gun control links, etc. Too many to mention, but it looks pretty even. So far the poll ("What's the best way to prevent accidental gun injuries?") is 64% "Teach gun saftey." Only 7% say "Never let a child touch a gun."
Shocking, indeed. Everyone already been there or someting? Or could this really be general consensus of average Americans???? :eek:
(Not if Rosie can help it, but too bad for her....we're not all the stupid cattle she seems to think we are :p)

" gotta ask yourself one I feel *lucky*?"
(Not if Rosie can help it, but too bad for her....we're not all the stupid cattle she seems to think we are :p)


On the subject of "cows", I wonder if "Rosie" has looked in a mirror lately?
Alan, please do not insult members of the family BOS. Thank you. :D

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
I voted, then checked out the gun safety page from the Emergency Nurses outfit. It was actually very good. In fact, the part about educating kids was almost verbatim Eddie Eagle material.
