Amazing accuracy from my new M1A


New member
As I posted awhile back I recently purchased a brand new Springfield M1A loaded. After breaking in the barrel I purchased the third generation mount and the 6x40 goverment scope from Springfield and mounted it on my rifle. So I take the setup out to my range using Remington 168grain match grade ammo and proceed to shoot 3 shot groups. I was shocked when I went downrange to check my targets. I was getting 1/2 inch groups at 100 yards! I did not realize that this rifle was capable of that and it was'nt a fluke either because it was consistent sub MOA. This rifle is every bit as accurate as my Remington PSS if not more so. I should have bought one a long time ago. Anybody else get similiar results with their M1A?
Reports like this are causing me to gradually bump the M1A higher up on my "I want this next" list. :)

Sounds like you have a great shooter!
I have a M1A base model.

At 100 yards from a bench rest, with 150gr Hornady FMJ-BT, over 50.0gr of Win 760, I routinely get three shot groups of 3/8" with iron sights when I do my part.

It's an amazing rifle - and Marine Corps marksmanship training ain't half bad either.


[This message has been edited by Tomas (edited April 14, 2000).]
I did'nt do very well with the iron sights before I mounted the scope, 2 to 3 inch groups (of course I was not using match grade ammo). I always do better with a scope but I am not a great shot, not bad though. Maybe the rifle just likes me.
They're shooters! ;)
A couple of weeks ago I managed a 3/4" group with my standard M1A, using Portugese surplus 7.62 ball, and ironsights at 100 yds. It was the best I've been able to get out of it using iron sights, heck, it was better than I've been able to do even with a scope!
Conditions that day were perfect though.
I've got a scan of the 10 shot group over at the Yahoo club Guns and Ammo. I can't post a link to the club pics, but it can be seen there if anybody feels like joinin' the club.

M1A's sure are worth the money though. :)