Amatuer needs advice on Varmint shooting?

Jamie Young

New member
I've never hunted Ground Hogs here in Pa and there all over the place near my friends farm. I only have access to a 22mag rifle and a 30/06 which I have reloaded 110gr bullets for. I really don't know what people do with the Hogs after they blast them? Do you guys eat them or just skin them? Is a 22Mag too light? Is a 30/06 is 110gr too much? I need all the input I can get. I'm new to this area of hunting.
.22 mag will work if you're close enough.
I like to stalk in close and put a .22LR in his little ear hole with my 10" Buckmark silhouette (4X leupold) or with a TC Contnder in .223 if I have to shoot farther. I've also shot them with a .243, .44 mag, and a 12g. I pop most of mine around old farm buildings so I can usually get close. Around here, its basically a turf war over whos building they are- mine or the groundhogs. They tear hell out of out buildings but I'm winning.
Never ate one. If you find a good recipe you can have mine.
I thought it might be like that. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to approach farmers to shoot hogs on there farms? I wasn't sure if I should knock on doors or send them a letter and ask if I could shoot on there property? I figured the 22mag would probable be best and the least volume.
Yeah, the old "neat and clean appearance" and knock on the door. Pick your time, so you don't interfere with work time or meals. Sunday afternoon is not bad.

Offer to trade out a bit of helping-out in return for hunting privileges. You can luck into some deer hunting as well, sometimes. If they like you, they'll tell their friends. And you can make some good friends.

$0.02, Art
If you look like a responsible adult when you show up to ask permission I cannot imagine anyone turning down some free pest control. Like I said, the dam things cause real damage to structures. They can also eat more than thier share of new soybeans or alfalfa if they are feeding on field edges. They love to settle in and raise a family on creek banks, field edges, road sides, etc. Help control the varmints and you've got a better chance of deer or bird hunting.
If you want a few hints from a farmer (me).
1. Don't show up looking like Rambo. You don't have to be dressed up but don't scare my wife with your camo and ammo bandoliers.
2. Be considerate of MY time. I'm working 16-18 hrs a day or more this time of year. Evenings are usually better but not always. ASK if I've got a minute or if there is a better time to stop back. Don't be afraid to use the phone and call first but also ASK for best time to call back or leave a # to call when its convenient for me. A rainy day is also a good time to check in. If it looks like a bad time- it probably is.
3. Respect my property and boundaries. I don't want a call from my neighbor bitching about somebody crossing onto his land. They don't know you so I'm the one that gets the call. Don't leave my gates open. Clean up after yourself. Etc.
4. Safety always!
This is mostly just stuff that should be common sense but for some folks isn't. I don't really need any gifts but some people like a bribe. If you behave yourself you will probably be welcome back again. When it is obvious you are a responsible and considerate individual I will probably tell you that you don't have to ask- help yourself.
There is probably more but these are the main points that come to mind right now.
Good shooting.
kingcreek is right and I couldn't have said it better!!!
I work in a chocolate factory and when I go asking I usually bring some candy to give to the land owner after he says sure go shoot em. It makes asking for fall hunting permission that much easier !!!
KingCreek, from one farmer to another... Well said! {BSE GRIN!} A little bit of `honey' will go a *long* ways while `vinegar', no matter how hard they try to `clean up their `act', shuts and locks the `door'. (*Especially* in the Spring and Fall!)
It looks like Kingcreek pretty much covered all the basic do's and don'ts. There are a couple of other things that I do. I always tell them what type of vehicle I'm driving and the license number. I also give them my home address and phone number. This way if they have any questions about something happening on there property they are welcome to call me anytime. I also leave them with the promise of reporting anything unusual that I might see on there property. My belief is if you treat their property like it was your own, you will be fine. I have made a lot of good friends over the years just by asking to hunt on there property.

Enjoy, and be safe.