Amateur shotgun training with the Mrs.


New member
My wife is going to the range on Saturday with me. She wants to shoot my shotguns among other things. I have 2, a 20 gauge semiauto, and a 12 gauge pump. I have a variety of 20 gauge shells, cheap target ones (#9), #4 birdshot, #3 buckshot, and some sluggers. I also have #9 target shot and 00 for the 12 gauge. I just figured I'd do some familiarization, then we'd take turns blasting away over at the practical range (you can shoot any shotgun loads there except slugs) with different loads, lighter first than work up to heavier. After that go over to the rifle range and shoot a few slugs. I have Pachmayr slip ons, so I think we're adequately cushioned. I would like to let her shoot some clays, but I'm not sure if we can that day. Any other suggestions or advice?

How did you learn shotguns? I learned it when I was in the Navy and they had us blast away with 12 gauge 00BK at a silhouette, that's pretty much all we did.
Research shotgun fit ,
If the shotgun fits her ,she will fine it much more enjoyable , easier to aim & be able to hit the tragets with less perceived recoil etc.
If that 20 doesn't fit, even with the pad and light loads, she's not going to like it at all. I wouldn't even go beyond the target loads to start. Besides fit, her shooting form might need tweaking - best observed by someone who understands that. Go slow and easy so she doesn't get turned off. If all she manages that day is some of the light target loads, let her stop and watch you.

If you want her to start with some clays, I would suggest you find a skeet field and start at station 7 until she feels more comfortable and then go to station 1.

Too much too fast (and especially too heavy and powerful) will turn her off to it.

If there's a good coach at the range, have HIM give her advice and suggestions. Trust me, women, and wives in particular, take instruction from a third party more readily than they do from their own husbands.

Good luck!
I don't want them to fit her too much! If one fits her too well, she might lay claim to it, like she did my XD.:eek:

Point taken, though. If she feels uncomfortable shooting it, I'll not recommend other than the target loads. She'll have her:( XD along, so she can shoot that to her heart's content.
Slip-on butt pads work only if the resulting increased length-of-pull isn't outside of the ball park. You might consider getting your wife a shooting shirt/vest with shoulder padding. At one time, there was a product for lady shooters that was a hi-tech undergarment pad that was worn by attaching it to a bra strap.

One way to tame recoil is to use some of the extra low recoil loads now available. Another was is to have the gun as heavy as practical. An easy trick: remove the plug and fully load the mag. When she shoots, top off the mag after each shot or pair. Note: this may violate the safety requirements of your range. As a safer option, put the shells in forward of the of the mag spring. Shot filled hulls work even better than live rounds. The idea is to get the gun as heavy as is comfortable.

How to learn to shoot a shotgun? My mentor, an All American shooter, made the comment that he spent a lot of time observing others. Watching different shooters, he picked-up on what worked and what didn't. Learning by observing the mistakes of others is easier than your own trail and error method.

I was introducing my neighbor to shotgunning last spring and there were two young men at the next field. They were using a manual trap, one would run the machine while the other shot. Neither appeared to have much experience -- sadly, it was a case of the blind leading the blind. As one of the young men loaded the shared gun, I commented to my neighbor that he was going to miss. He called pull, shot and missed. My neighbor asked how I knew he was going to miss. I said that the gun mount had been so bad, there was no way that he could hit anything but sky. Stargazer before you have you wife do any shooting, spend a little time having her critically watch other shooters. When watching other shooters, most folks make the mistake of watching the target -- you won't learn anything that way -- watch the shooter. After his finishes his follow-thru, then look look to see if there are pieces or a whole target hitting the ground.

Typically the shooters who seem the most comfortable with their guns shoot the best. Not to over-beat an old drum; but, proper gun fit is as important to a beginner as it is to a champion. If your first shotgunning is with something that fits you poorly and gives you a beating, then there's good chance you'll not want to repeat the experience.
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Find an NRA certified shotgun instructor. There are also some NRA instruction manuals, and I think the Boy Scouts have some Shotgun insturction materials on safety, stance, and follow through. Just remember to point and snap the trigger when merged to the target.

Bob, NRA certified pistol & shotgun instructor
Oh yeah....
Three rules of safe firearm handling.....

Always keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction! (to be determined by a safety ranger!....that is.....upward or downward)

Always keep the firearm unloaded until you intend to use it!

Always keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire!
So she did a little shotgun shooting shooting today. All in all it went well. I took your advice and I brought in a more experienced shotgun guy to help acclimate her. She shot my 12 gauge HD gun using using low brass loads, and did the same on my friend's over/under. We blasted an old target stand to bits. She declined shooting the high brass, I didn't press it.

We did some other shooting, I might post it in the live fire forum.