Personally I've always prefered the evening hunt. Maybe I just don't like getting up earlier on my day off than I do when I'm working. Perhaps its because I've NEVER seen a deer when I'm out in the morning, I see them in the AM driving down the road. I do hear more sounds, grunts, sparring that sort of thing. of course that could just be other hunters calling as well, who knows. my question for everyone is.... Which time of day is prefered by you? Or which in your experience tends to be more productive? I must admit, the morning does tend to be a bit more stimulating for some reason. I've only seen one early morning deer out hunting, probably 17 yrs ago in high school and that was because we spooked it on our way out to our spot, too dark still to shoot. Oh, and I'm in the tree now, and have seen and heard nothing except birds and squirrels.