Am I wrong Headed?.


New member
I carry as my main gun a Walther PP 32. I have tried 1911 Combat Commander's in 45, Makrov's,Bersa 380,Ruger's in 357,Glock's 9mm(except for the small one's do not like em),Kel-Tech 9mm, Model 60 and 10 in a Smith,and also since I love western's even a copy of the Colt model P. Carried everyone of em.But for some reason I keep going back to that old walther. Now I shoot all of those about the same 3 inches or less standing at 25 feet on head and Groin Shot's.So am I wrong headed about staying with the 32?.
Yes, you are. (Hey, you asked!)

You should have a tactical black tenifer double stack .454 casull/.416 Rigby/20mm convertible Whoozit Inc. Widowmaker. In stainless steel. With night sights.


In my opinion, you are undergunned, but I don't have to carry it, you do. Besides, I don't yet carry a gun so you are MILES ahead of me, if that makes you feel any better.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Don, you're smokin' that stuff again. *Everyone* knows the Whoozit Widowmaker in .454 Casull is a single-stack! :D

Seriously, bookman, if you like the Walther for carry, you might consider moving up to a PPK. .32 just doesn't have the oomph to *reliably* knock down a goblin. But then, neither does .380, IMHO. :)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited December 09, 1999).]
You're a tad undergunned, IMHO.

.380 is my personal bare minimum. But if you can really hit well with it, its reliable and you like it, what the heck?
A well-placed .22 is worlds better than a miss with anything else. Just realize that bullet performance (penetration and expansion) is minimal. Don't get a preconceived idea that the BG is gonna drop upon being hit, but that applies to ANY caliber.
Greetings bookman,
A friend owns a Manurhin made Walther PP in .32 ACP. I have shot it with Winchester Silvertip 60 grain hollowpoints. I was amazed at how well I could fire quickly and accurately. Marshall/Sanow found it effective 63% of the time with one center- of- mass hit based on 83 shootings. However, that is a small number of shootings statistically and the actual capability of the round is almost surely lower. "Neither author would rely on this caliber for primary self-defense usage..."
I don't think you are wrong headed though. I would suggest you keep a larger gun close also. Safely stored but accessible. And remember that your .32 auto is a DEFENSIVE gun only. Don't be a hero at the local stop&rob if they only want the money. Let them have it and leave. (Might not be so lucky, however.) Also aim higher on the chest than traditional COM. Imagine a triangle formed by the two nipples and the base of the neck. This will increase your chance of hitting vital organs with such a low penetrating bullet. If you must make a head shot, try for the plane created by the nose, ears, and base of the skull. Tactics are more important than anything else.
Something is better than nothing. But why you still have the choice, yes my friend you are wrong headed, you are undergunned for a primary gun...sorry, you asked...Please take a moment and find an article about the FBI Miami Shoot Out, that even changed the FBIs mind about what they carry. Lessons learned from real life.

An armed society is a polite society.
IMO, you're undergunned/ But,it's yo' butt on the line. If that's what you want to carry,so be it.

The ladder of effectiveness....

Big holes,center mass...

Smaller holes, center mass....

Big holes,elsewhere....

Smaller holes, elsewhere....

Scare him with the noise...
Every since I fired that .50BMG, I've felt undergunned, but since noone yet has seen fit to make it available in a ccw handgun I guess I have to deal with it. A .32 is too small IMO, but if you hit and hit well with it, you're definately better off with it than something you're not comfortable with and leave sitting in the safe.

"The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed." -Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist Papers at 184-8.
Remember folk, that more than 90%
of civilian DGUs never fire a shot.

We don't really have good stats on
how many of the remaining 10% of
citizen usage were incidents where
the BG took a round of any caliber
and continued the attack. The M&S
reports are debateable and don't
speak to that issue.

If it is reliable and you like it -
you are better off with it.

That said - I do 38 SPL or 9mm at a
Hey Bookman,
If the Walther PP fits your hand,and you are comfortable with it, and most importantly,YOU CAN HIT WHAT YOU ARE AIMING AT, GO FOR IT :)
A well placed shot beats big caliber any day of the week!!!!!!!
Shot placement is the most important thing, if you shoot that gun well so be it. Personally, I would keep experimenting with other guns, have you tried the Kahrs? How about my personal favorite, the Browning Hi-Power, aka P35?