Am I the only... Part 2

The Rock

New member
Since Dennis locked part 1, The Rock decided he would elbow-check some people into the smackdown hotel.

The Rock is also amazed by DUPs. The Rock uses the standard arguments, usually getting 25% response of thinking, 10% wanting to learn, and the rest just ignore it. I ask the ladies if they would rather die than their attacker. Usually the response is "I don't want to kill anyone". The Rock then agrees with them. They are surprised and ask "Why do you carry a gun?" The Rock then states, "If it is a choice between me and him/her (the scumbag) I'm choosing me and scumbag is SOL. The Rock respects himself enough to value his life over some criminal" The Rock askes if the lady does. The Rock usually doesn't get a clear answer. These type of people are too confused for their own good.

On the plus side, most of The Rock's lady friends have/want to shoot. The have decided that they are more important than the rapist/murderer etc. Those who can't decide, The Rock pushes towards the light.

The Rock doesn't take no for an answer.

The Rock

The Rock says this: A dog does three things

[This message has been edited by The Rock (edited December 16, 1999).]

I'm an EMT-Basic and a Concealed Handgun Instructor. Some people see a conflict there - I don't. In BOTH fields, I save lives.

I have been ragged on by medical personnel for my feelings about RKBA. I no longer argue. Without a word I quickly take out my notebook and confirm the spelling of their name. They always want to know why I'm writing their name down and I explain,

"This is my list of people whom I am not supposed to help if they are attacked, beaten, raped and robbed. So far you're the only one on my list!"

Yeah, it's trite; but it sure feels good! ;)

The nurse should realize all those hurt people were hurt by someone who would do the same to *her* if they had a chance....
Damn, JHS hates it when someone talks in the third person. JHS thru ranting now. :)

[This message has been edited by JHS (edited December 14, 1999).]
Anand agrees with, and supports The Rock 100%.

Anand needs to get used to The Rocks English
though Hehehe!
Kodiac finds 3rd person personal refrence irritating. Kodiac is reminded of a Sienfeld episode about it.

The Kodiac
"The nurse should realize all those hurt people were hurt by someone who would do the same to *her* if they had a chance...."

I know, you know, we know. Some do, some don't.

It's one thing to write off an idiot co-worker but when it's one of your family - can be tough. Haven't lost all hope w/her tho'. She be hanging out w/this paramedic/shooter-type. Love can break all boundaries. ;-)
MongoZox like Rock speak!
The Rock speak good!

MongoZox no understand people that no like to be ready for bad guy.
Bad guy need to get stopped.

MongoZox stop typing now.
MongoZox go eat squirrel.

The Mal says leave The Rock alone. No one but The Rock knows why The Rock writes like that, but at least The Mal likes The Rocks consistency. The Mal feels it's what The Rock says that counts not how The Rock says it.

The Bueno, The Mal, The Feo
Maybe when I come back I'll start posting as Mankind . . . .


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron

Re-reading my post it sounds more "severe" than I said it.

I have the same trouble with some friends in EMS and danged near ALL the people in the schools where I teach. (grumble...)

(BIG grin!) As I say in the field, "Your in charge. How can I help?" :D :D

I'll set up and hang a saline for you. As you finish your primary and stick 'em I'll set up the heart monitor. Drugbox is on your left. Stretcher will be ready when you are. Chopper's on stand-by.

(God, I loved working with Paramedics....)
I wear my gun out and I constantly get questioned WHY? Some people have a problem with it. Here is the dialog.

H: do you mind when leo's wear gun in your presence?

DUP: no b/c they were them to protect the people.
H: So, if you are getting mugged and I am carrying my gun, should I A-run and get the police, or B-shoot him and save you?
DUP: uh.......mmmmmm.....uh...hmmmm

I think you should choose B!