Am I just a sissy?


New member
With both of the glock 17 mags I've worked with, I physically could not get anything past the 6th round into it, was having to crush the rounds down to get them in. I'm still really new to the whole shooting thing. Am I just a weakling? Or do other people run into this?

Yes. :)
If new mag's, springs are needing to be broke in. Use that fancy mag loader the Glock comes with.
Stay safe.
"Am I just a weakling? Or do other people run into this? "

No, your not a sissy. My Glock 21 has one magazine that nobody has been able to put more than 9 rounds into it (it holds 10). Even the strongest people I know cannot put it in. The magazine loader won't even budge it. My other 10 round Glock 21 magazine will hold 10, but you practically break your thumb and finger putting the 10th in. I only load them to 7 now because past 7 they really hurt. I think it is ashame that Glock puts out such hard to use magazines. The old 13 rounders were easy to load--glad I got one before the Kalifornia ban of 1999. But, the 10 rounders are a b1tc#.

One thing of interest: all 4 Glock 26 magazines I have are very easy to load. So far, this is the only Glock model I have owned thats had good 10 round magazines. I can't explain why the G26 has good magazines and the others I've owned or shot have not...
I'm a sissy weaking too :) I had to use the little mag loader that came with my Glock for the first 5 or 6 loadings. I finally just loaded all them and left them set for a week, it seemed to make it easier to load them after that.
Two suggestions, one of which has been made already:

1. Load the mag and leave it loaded for a few days. This loosens the spring.

2. While Glocks come with a mag loader tool, I don't care much for it. There's this fabulous little tool made by a company called HKS (they're famous for revolver speedloaders) which helps you load hi-cap magazines easily. It costs around 8 bucks, and allows your thumb to push down a lever which squeezes the rounds into the mag. They are gun specific, so make sure you buy the right one (the models are listed on the back of the package). I bought one just to try for my Beretta, and now have several for various guns. Trust me on this.

I have found that I get quite reliable feeding in my 1911 with a "Z" cut out of the magazine spring in order to make the seven-round mag into an eight-round mag. (There are a couple of other little mods, as well.) I have never, ever had any problem with the eighth round failing to feed.

Why not try removing some of the spring? (In my ignorance, I'm assuming you can disassemble the magazine.) Are replacement springs available? If so, I'd just keep cutting until something bad happened--and then I'd know where to quit.

Regards, Art
A friend of mine has a Glock 17 with two 10 round mags. One of them loads easily the other gives a problem. It seems I can get 9 rounds in fine, but the tenth wont go with a sledge hammer. What I do then is unload the mag and start all over again and this seems to do the trick. I have yet to be out smarted by this plastic inanimate object.

Careful, Flattop. Plastic or no, I guarantee you that sooner or later, an inanimate object will always out-think a people. You are herewith ordered to go read Murphy's Laws and commit them to memory!

:), Art
10 rounders that are difficult to load should be classified as "unsafe" magazines (like Kalifornia does for guns). I mean it is easy to break a finger nail (if a lady) or a finger loading up the stiff magazines. Imagine the lawsuits if/when someone breaks a finger loading these PC magazines.

Sarcasm aside, I miss the old hi-caps (most were easy to load to capacity and weren't thumb busters like the new 10 rounders are).
The post-ban Glock magazines are generally pretty crappy, I only have one of them left for my G17, and I don't use that. I use the standard capacity pre-ban magazines for all my Glocks, and I can load them to their rated capacity and shoot them without any problems. I'm very unimpressed with Glock's 10 round post-ban mags! :(
Agree on glocks 10 rnd. mags being poorly engineered. have 8 or 10 of the 17's for IDPA only because have chronic carpal tunnel, tendonitis & ligament damage. Have had all of them loaded for 9-10 months continously and a number of them still won't take the 10th round. Not willing to force those as am concerned about forcing the feed liips out of wack. The only little trick have learned is using a Lightning Strike extended aluminum mag base plate. The one used for compliance with their mag well. This is not the one they make to increase capacity. Yes, they ain't cheap but only got two ea. FWIW, it does seem to allow the 10tn round in a lot more easily. Hardly think it's the "Cure" but maybe someone else has a better/cheaper mouse trap fix, hopefully? Have heard of others cutting the feet on the follower back a little but not convinced they will feed relabily in the long run. If I was sure it was "Legal" I would be using the cheaper +2's {for IDPA, etc.} that have been blocked out and epoxyed just to not have to put up with this PTA. Even the 10 rnd. G 21 mags are screwed up and am fairly certain some of mine have actually bulged out on the sides enough to be visable and provide some resistance/friction going in and out of the gun? You guys aren't wimps but Glock sure is for not rectifying this "glitch" in a timely manner!
"I agree, Glock 10rd mags are pretty crappy, with the exception of the stock G26 mags. They got those right!!!"



Do you know why Glock 26 mags are so nice? Mine are easy to load too. I wonder why that is the only model that pumps out good 10 round magazines?
A lot of castrated mags really suck. I have some that I can't get more than 6 rounds into.

I just toss them and buy pre ban mags...and I don't buy guns that do not have pre ban mags available. I REFUSE to carry castrated Klinton mags.

We can thanks BILL RUGER and the Clinton administration for this.
You aren't a sissy for being unable to load the mag, you're a sissy for owning a 9mm... *roll eyes*

Seriously though, I just got my Glock 17 back from Glock (had striker replaced), and they rebuilt the's quite tough to fully load it with that new spring.
The reason that the G26 magazines don't act like the rotton G17 magazines is probably because they're a traditional double stack design, not the hacked up hybrid that the G17 10 round magazines are. If you load up a G17 10 round magazine, you'll see that the rounds don't all line up neatly in the witness holes like they do with the standard capacity magazines, that "single stack" of rounds is all over the place in the mag. That usually translates to lousy reliability and difficult loading, as can be attested to by many here.
I use a magazine loader for all my magazines. The Glocks are the hardest, although the Makarovs are close. I even use a loader for the 1911. Sure I can push them in without it, but it saves my thumbs and fingers. After firing 200-300 rounds my fingers and hands begin to hurt and it doesn't go away for awhile if I don't use a loader. Don't much care whether that makes me a sissy or not. I'm more concerned to be able to keep shooting in my old age. Jerry
It Has Something To Do...

It has something to due with an individual's hands. I have large thin hands but they are not overly strong. I can load Glock magazines without the loading tool after they have been broken in. By this I mean load them to capacity and let them sit for a week or two. I have no problem loading the magazines for my Model 19,23,27, or 30. Why? I have no idea. Regards, Richard.