Am I entitled to a gun licence?


hi lads i was in trouble when i was younger i got caught up wit the wrong crew and we did an armed robbery on a person in there house now i had a gun and licence at the time but it wasnt my gun, that was 15 yrs ago im now 36yrs old i know what i done was totally wrong and got 3 yrs for it which i totally deserved but would i now be entitled to hold a licence does my record get cleaned after so many yrs or will this always be against me to ever get a gun licence again
If you are in the U.S., you are permanently disabled from owning firearms, except in the less than likely event that your record is expunged or you are pardoned. From your description of events, I don't think that there will be anyone willing to do that for you.
In greater detail, you have to answer all the questions on this form "correctly" in order to have a firearm transferred to you.

A felony conviction is an incorrect answer. Sorry about the circumstance. You could probably talk to an attorney about getting your record cleared if you can convince a judge you've moved on.
(Removed by poster)

Now in the real world, it's likely you won't be approved for a license if you're in a state that requires them. You will fail a Brady check when attempting to purchase at the counter. In your shoes, I'd stay away from guns until you have time to talk with a lawyer and get his opinion.

You could always just apply for the license if you don't have the funds. Police won't arrest you for applying and failing, they'll just let you know you are or aren't allowed.
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Your record does not clear itself, you have to clear your name with the help of a lawer by receiving an expungement. I recently inquired on the behalf of a friend of mine and the best legal advice I was given was to seek actual legal advice. You should do the same.

A year ago I would have responded in a similarly crude manner as jfrey, then I met my aforementioned friend and realized that people can do stupid stuff when young(Lord knows I did enough of that-no felonys-and did not get caught) and that people can change.

Come off your high horse. If he was up to no good, he would have no problem circumventing the legal system to get a gun. Would you have every felon locked up for good? Or would you cry uncle when your income tax reached 50%? He served his time for the crime he commited, lay off.
rhgunguy- hear, hear.

I agree a fellow deserves a second chance, particularly after 15 years in the wilderness as people do change.

and yes- we have all done dum things when we were younger-though fortunately mostly not that serious.
I believe that dogman123 doesn't live in the United States. I'm guessing you live on an island north of The Continent.
lads... crew... licence...
We might be able to help if we knew which laws to apply to your situation, dogman.
Wherever he lives, the only place he can expect a valid and definitive answer is from a local attorney who knows the subject. I can't think of anywhere where a past serious criminal conviction would not disqualify one from possessing a gun -- at least without some sort of legal attention. And whether there is in fact anything he could do, and if so what it may be, depends entirely his home law. And if there is anything to be done, he'll need a lawyer to do it in any case. So he might as well find one and consult him now.
It would be hard for me to support giving this guy the ability to get a gun legally. But it should be a case by case thing and I think it should be able to be done.

I have a brother that had a felony conviction because of some theft he was involved in. It had nothing to do with a gun. And we are getting more laws on the books that are mandatory felony convictions, not all of which I am sure I am in agreement with.
Since you are in Ireland, I would STRONGLY suggest finding a lawyer (solicitor? barrister? You folks have some funny terms over there... :p) who can advise you directly. The laws we are familiar with here in the USA are not likely what you would be dealing with. In the States, once you got your record cleared (assuming you could do it), owning a firearm in most states would be a piece of cake. I have no clue what the process is like for people with fully clear records over there in the emerald isles, where the good beer flows freely.

You need an expert, and those folks will expect to be paid for their time. It will probably be worth your while to engage a good lawyer for an hour or three and find out exactly what your prospects for firearm ownership might be.
You were a minor? If so your record may be sealed from the public but not from the NICS. As a FFL we cannot sell you a gun.
If so your record may be sealed from the public but not from the NICS. As a FFL we cannot sell you a gun.
As he's an Irish citizen living in Ireland, you, as an FFL, can't sell him a gun! :D
Not to beat a dead horse, but....

NOBODY is entitled to a gun license! If where you live requires a license to own a gun, then it is a privilege, and is granted at the discretion of the state. You are NOT entitled.

Now, if you are asking if you may be approved, based on what you have told us, it seems doubtful. Conviction of a felony, and jail time are generally pretty strong dis-qualifiers. Even in the USA, you wouldn't legally be able to own a gun with a felony conviction.

Best advice has already been given, contact someone local to you who knows the laws there. Lawyer, Barrister, Solicitor, whatever the correct term is, find one, spend a little bit if needed and find out before you land yourself in trouble again. Good Luck.