Always Evolving


New member
They say the first step on the road to recovery is admitting that you have a problem.

Just when you think you have things figured out, when you think you have your bases covered, you see or hear something that throws everything out of whack and you end up starting over from scratch.

Well my firearm history has been a hard and expensive lesson in trying to reach my idea of what a perfect combination of firearms and accessories should be. Combinations that I feel would cover any situation where a small arm would be useful and give me the best advantage.

While overseas, I had much time to ponder the various firearms and setups that I "thought" would be the ticket. But after getting home and putting them together I found what I thought to be winning tickets had already been punched, not a winner.

One winner though has been adding the Tru-Dot sights to my Glock 21, nice and useful addition.

Fail was modifying the AK with a mini red dot, may work for some, but not for me. I found the dot too bright and just distracting and it didn't allow for use of the irons. So I removed the mount and red dot and sold them. The AK is back to original now and I like it that way. I also went to 20 round magazines and like them alot, much handier and lighter and makes it easier at the range. However, Tiger fmj's suck, it was all over the place, I think Wolf ammo is more accurate.

I considered putting a scope on my RRA LAR-6 Mid-Length, but found that it added unwanted weight and bulk, the Aimpoint I already have on it is the perfect combination for that carbine. I really love this carbine and Aimpoint combination the best.

I had sold my M1A because of the scoping issues with it and bought a full-length flat-top LAR-8. The rifle is already almost 10 lbs without ammo and scope, after a full magazine and mount and scope it was nearly 15 lbs. That just wouldn't work for me.

As I feel a .308 rifle should be scoped, I need a lighter alternative and am considering a bolt action rifle. I had considered selling the LAR-8 to go towards a bolty, but I think I'll just keep it and leave it alone with it's flip-up BUIS. With the new magazines from RRA, it functioned nearly flawlessly, with a couple of failed bolt hold opens on empties.

A good .308 semi is a nice luxury to have and as much as I loved the M1A, I think this LAR-8 will fit the bill nicely and is a keeper even if I'm stuck with irons on it.

So now a bolty is on my list to get next along with a suitable scope. I considered putting the scope from the LAR-8 on the bolty, but I already have another on order and it has more magnification which will be more useful.

I think I could use the scope from the LAR-8 on the LAR-6 if I ever have the inclination to use it hunting where I may expect long shots. Even though they're LaRue QD mounts, I just don't like swapping optics out without verifying zero at the range directly afterwards, kind of a pain.

So, if this last attempt at getting things right doesn't work out I think I will have to seek out some therapy.
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