Aluminum Bedding Blocks???


New member
I just purchased a Remington 700 Varmint Synthetic in 22-250. I was working up loads when I noticed the point of impact shifted dramatically and the groups opened up. Turns out the barrel isn't running straight down the barrel channel in the stock and the stock presses on the side of the barrel. Of course, Remington will replace the stock and I assume things will improve.

Anyhow, I removed the stock and I noticed the recoil lug doesn't contact the bedding block. Can someone explain to me what the theory is behind the recoil lug just floating in space? I don't get it.

Also, I adjusted the trigger for zero creep and overtravel and the lightest I can get it is around four pounds. Anyone know anything about the Shilen trigger or other aftermarket triggers? Thanks.
I believe thats the "oops" theory of quality control... :))
Most 'smiths that do "tune-ups" on factory rifles bed the lug as a matter of course, 'cause one size sure does not fit all!
A good smith should be able to get a factory Remmy trigger to 2.5# clean easily.
Jewell probably makes the very best aftermarket trigger, but expensive. Shilen is good, and for about 1/2 the price of those confections, there's Rifle Basix.
Got one of those on my M-700 at about 1#, works very well indeed.

The Bill of Rights, and the Golden Rule are enough for civilized behavior. The rest is window dressing. Shoot carefully, swifter...
Not knocking a competitors product but that is common with HS stocks. The reason for the block is to strengthen a weak bedding area but now the blocks get loose in the stock. They will make it good.