Alright here it is....

Mike / Tx

New member
Well I spend as much time browsing around here sharing experiences as I do about anywhere else. The next couple of weeks will be full tilt on the go, so I wanted to jump in here now and throw this out.

Merry Christmas
to you all,
and have a safe and wonderful
New Year

It is the season for sharing and giving

Spend some time with those family members you don't see, call the ones you don't like, and let them know they DO matter. As we approach this time of year it will be the first since my mother has passed, as well as her being a grandmother and great grandmother she was a true inspiration to all of those who knew her. She has been and will be greatly missed.

We aren't here forever folks, so give a little time to those around you while you are. Sometimes even your elderly neighbors need just a touch of companionship once in a while, stop by and give them a few minutes to brighten their day, or simply show that they are noticed. Believe me it does make a difference.Take a trip over to your local Children's Hospital and donate a few toys, give thanks to your local Veterans, or bring some flowers by the local Elderly Home. spread some cheer.

Take care, be safe, and best wishes and God Bless.
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