alox wax

The last Alox I got, was a Lee product and I believe Lyman makes this as well. Try Midway .... :confused:

Be Safe !!!
If you mean the NRA formula of 50-50 alox/beeswax, that is what Lee sells in stick form, and also Javelina, I think. I bought 3 sticks of the Javelina last time, and it was slightly cheaper than the Lee. I use it for pan lubing, and it works great. It does tend to get softer and stickier as the temps get over 85 or so. My solution would be to just load em up. The case walls will keep the lube from going anywhere! :D
The NRA formula is 50/50 Alox/Beeswax, developed in the sixties. The NRA wanted a better all round lube than the various concoctions then in use. It took a lot of work and many formulas were tested. A product of Alox Corporation, 2138, was promising when mixed with beeswax, but the NRA wanted it further developed. The final version was 2138F, which is a thick grease. Commercial beeswax is nothing more than yellow beeswax with any dirt or other impurities filtered out.

It became the universally standard lube, made by various companies, of which Lee is perhaps the best known. It is still as good a lube as any in my opinion. For commercial use it was eclipsed by the later hard waxes which are cleaner to use and don't mess up adjacent bullets when packaged for ale.

I used the 1" 4" hollow sticks for my own bullets. But when I started commercial casting, the sticks were too expensive, so I imported drums of 2138F direct from Alox Corp, and mixed it with locally available beeswax. It cost me one tenth the cost of hollow sticks.

The bad news is that Alox Corp was bought by another company, whose name escapes me right now, and 2138F is no longer made. So, whatever Lee and others are using to make their lube, it is not the Alox of the original NRA formula.

The good news is that many good lubes are now available, and some good home brews, look into "Cast Boolits."
I got mine from e-bay, tho I cant remember which company.
He sells the 50/50 lube or other mixes and 2lb cakes of alox.
I just mix it 50/50 with beeswax I got from a beekeeper and add 10% parafin wax to mine.
I really like that mixture. I use it in everything from 380 and 45 auto to higher rifle loads.
I've went to 2800fps with no leading that I've found so far.
Reloader 28, do you also have a gas check on the rounds exceeding 2000 fps?

I'm doing preliminary research now so if I sound stupid, please forgive me, but how do you apply that particular type of lubricant? Do you use a lubrisizer?
Alox 50/50

Look at the bullet lube area on the above link.

Note: although the particular alox used in the NRA formula is no longer made, the "New" alox is the same as the "old" alox except for one ingredient that can be added to it, and therefore the old alox based 50/50 formula can be recreated.