Almost had my 1st buck!


New member
So, went to La Porte, IN with a friend who allowed me to hunt with him, 2nd year. First year I saw two does and got nothing. Was not very experience with the shotgun. This year I bought a 30-06 rifle and had plenty of practice.

I was at the stand early and eager for sunrise. Eventually light starts to creep over the horizon. As soon as more sun rises from the horizon, I start hearing distant shots and some quite close. Thinking I'm sure to see something shortly, nothing. Waited and waited and still nothing.

By this time 8, I hear no more shots. Then I hear one close from a stand nearby. It's another friend in our group. Excited he got something. At least that told me that they are near our area. Ended up waiting another 40 minutes when I was scouting one area and as I slowly moved my head to scout the opposite side, there was a group of 3 does walking cautiously. At that moment, my heart starts beating faster and have some adrenaline as I was not expecting to see 3 at one time. I start observing their movement, with rifle not pointing at them just yet. A minute had not passed by yet as I got an idea what direction they were going. So I point the rifle at the 1st one, keeping up with the movement of the first doe through the scope. Had moments to look at the does with my eyes to observe the surroundings and them.

They did a couple of pauses and had clear shots for 2 of the three. At this point was not sure which one. Trying to come up with escape scenarios if I pulled the trigger on either does. Sure as heck don't have experience with deer, so only common sense gave me ideas of where they would run off to, at least at the moment. Still clear on 2 of the 3 and with their sides exposed. I ended up taking aim for the first doe at its organs, pulled the trigger and it went down immediately and didn't get up. The other two ran back in the direction they came from. Then stopped perhaps 10 yards where the other laid.

While they stood there standing, my eyes started to get watery and soon more came out which I hate to admit, felt like I was crying but was not sad. Was definitely happy for getting my first deer. Well that was embarrassing, now everyone knows. (LOL). So I immediately looked through my scope but because of my eyes, I couldn't see well. Had to close my eyes a couple of times just to be able to get the water out of my eyes. I couldn't use my coat or reach for paper towel because the deer were closer to me and didn't want to scare them away. Soon the water was no longer in my eyes as I felt them running down my cheeks. Trying not to make sudden movements I aimed for the last one.

At this point, both deer had there heads perpendicular to where I was standing. The last one was at a angle where I can see her side exposed for an organ shot. I took aim and had some small brush in between me and the doe. The brush at some instances covered the body but was still able to get off a shot. Did not go down. They ran for just a couple of feet and one of them actually looked up and saw me. Still pointing the rifle at them. I just froze and tried not to move. It felt like it said to me, I see you as it was only walking away. The one behind it also was walking, and they kept on walking behind me towards a small river and the one I shot turned at looked at me and walked away. Didn't take another shot as I felt the angle they were in I didn't feel comfortable or confident. So now I was happy I got 1 but lingering about the second.

After that moment, I did the same thing as earlier, scouting the area for another deer and the same way the group of does who sneaked up on me, a buck did the same. All this happened within a few minutes but seem longer. My eyes open wider and I couldn't believe a buck was there in front of me exactly the same way as the does.

From talking to co-workers, friends always talking about the points of the rack, I immediately was curious about the rack. At first did not comprehend why it was just standing there, but eventually figured it out. It was observing the doe laying on the ground a couple of yards from him. Slowly I raised the rifle and instead of aiming to pull the trigger, I was using the scope to count the rack. Being this was going to be my first buck, my ego got to me and betrayed me. I ended up counting 4 points on one rack, when I went to count the other, the buck was out of sight. I thought I had moved but no, it actually ran the direction it came from, not the same direction as the other two does ran off to. Boy was that a big mistake.

It eventually was getting further and further away. I made attempts to make noise to make it stop. It did, but was not confident about the shot and it did not turn its body for me to pull the trigger. Looked like at least 90-100yards. Was basing the distance from when I went to range. I tried a couple times to make it turn how I would hope for. Never happened and it ended up running away.

I was disappointed in myself for doing what I did, for not taking the shot at that distance, waiting too long and for trying to get the right "Buck". Ended up going back a couple more times only to never see him again. As one says live and learn. On the side note, I did ended up getting the second doe. It ended up dropping by the river. Still a successful hunt. Couldn't ask for more. Great experience and eager for next season.
That was a good story, I hope you learned a few things from that experience and trust me, if you keep hunting you will keep learning..
On a side note, if your sure its a buck, count the points after its dead..
Nice story! Congrats on your 2 does. And like already been said don't look at the rack. Lol I'm sure it was a great experience and you learned something. Only way to learn is to experience it. Keep hunting and learning and you'll never get tired of it.
Tip: as soon as you shoot watch the deer's tail closely. If it falls to cover its butt as it scoots away >you shot the deer. If the animals tail flags bright white as it runs away. >you missed it.

BTW: did you happen to buy a bottle of the best moonshine currently made from the Indiana Whiskey Co in South Bend?
Thanks for the tip Sure Shot Mc Gee. Will definitely remember that.

I have never tried moonshine. But in a few weeks will be going to Ohio, so hopefully I will try and get one.
Reminds me of elk hunting on Afognak Island near Kodiak.

I was staying in a forest service cabin, it was raining and foggy so I spent my time reading a journal left buy past hunters. One entry caught my eye and has suck with me for about 40 years.

"Saw a nice 6 by just out side the door of the cabin, took two shots but by the time I got the cork back in the bottle it was gone"
Thanks. The first one, half the heart got destroyed.

The second one, because of the angle of the doe and the height I was at, when I took the shot it was a few inches back from the heart and existed below the stomach.
Congrats. Are there no antler restrictions in Indiana? Here in PA, the buck has to have at least 3 points on one side not including the brow tine. I don't have the luxury of counting points after the shot. I saw 2 buck together on the 3rd day, but had to pass on the shot because I couldn't confirm the number of points. I was pretty excited just to see them.
GarandTd Here in NH in bucks only season, we need to have just 1 horn at least 3 inches long..I hunted in SC and there if it has 1 horn 2 inches it is a legal buck.
Antlered Deer:
An antlered deer must have at least one antler that is at least 3 inches long.

We can get a Bundle License:
This license includes privileges to harvest 2 antlerless deer and 1 antlered deer OR 3 antlerless deer.

The area we were at, seemed like our group got their share of deer also. Two of them did get a buck. We are planning on returning to that spot. Good thing it is private property.
My Son and I were sitting in the deer house discussing how/why we have been seeing more big bucks lately. We came to the conclusion that our past deer hunting style probably spooked off the bigger older bucks. In the past, we were mostly interested in quantity of meat rather than antler size. We shot deer as we saw them and ran out to gut them as they fell. We don't do that anymore except during the youth season. When we adults hunt, we no longer make a stir until one of the big boys shows himself.
This year one buck at 10 AM and the second at 12 noon and we went home.