There seems to be different ideas as to where to start a load for plated bullets. Some say use jacketed data. Some say use jacketed -10%, some say use lead data. One manufacturer says "low jacketed data (I believe that's for max.) and one I saw says use lead data. Personally, I use lead data and have had good accurate loads (if I wanted faster loads I'd go with jacketed). Look up the bullet manufacturer's web site and see what they recommend. Or if they have no load data on line, call them (if a bullet mfg. won't post load data, I wouldn't buy them). Load testing is a faily involved process and not inexpensive, and plated bullets have only been popular for a few years. For a powder or bullet manufacturer to test and publish results for every "new and improved" bullet it would be quite an undertaking and expensive, not something a mfg would do on an annual basis...
Reloading forums are a wealth of info but forget/ignore load data from any forum expert, range rat, pet loads web site, gun counter clerk or gun shop guru. Get load data from published manuals or powder manufacturers. Been doing that for 30 years and have had zero problems...