All that's wrong with Massachusetts

I sent her off an e-mail I was so mad. Doubt she'll read it or actually respond. How do these idiots make it through school with such a twisted understanding of the law or our rights?
I would say, it is what's wrong with all democratically run large urban centers.

Boston, Chicago, Washington DC, San Fran, you name it, it's a symptom of what the democrats do when they get a lock on power.
MAssachussetts has two catastrophic flaws:

John "I-screwed-my-own-troops-to-make-myself-look-good" Kerry

Ted "Don't-worry-baby-we'll-cross-that-bridge-when-we-come-to-it" Kennedy

Neither Kerry nor Kennedy installed themselves without assistance. The people of Massachusetts keep re-electing them, so most of them must like their state senators' job performance.

I moved out of MA as soon as I could, and I don't ever plan on becoming a MA resident again.
so most of them must like their state senators' job performance.
To be fair, the republican party here is a joke. They rarely put up a candidate against those guys, and when they do the support is lackluster.

Also, the big city democratic machines in MA are highly effective in their corruption and voter fraud. Add to that the large numbers of fanatical left-wing students, union thugs, and aging hippys, and it's a tough state to get meaningful change done.