All That Glitters Isn't Gold: Obama


New member
First off, I'm no friend of McCain. I think about the only way that McCain will earn my vote is by choosing Romney as a running mate.

That said, I'm entirely undecided about who I will vote for. Despite his deficiencies I have been entertaining the idea of Obama, but the more I hear from him the less I'm convinced he's any different. (An additional caveat, living in California it likely doesn't matter which presidential candidate I vote for....)

Obama's comments yesterday on gay marriage bother me. The concept of gay marriage doesn't bother me, as I really don't see it as anything that concerns me. What does concern me is Obama's attitude towards it.

My understanding from the news yesterday was mostly gleaned from watching CNN and news articles such as this one. (Again, hardly an endorsement of the Chronicle, but it turned up the quotes I was looking for.)

Here is what bothered me:

(1) Obama claims to be opposed to gay marriage as a Christian. A viewpoint I am unconcerned with, and feel him entitled to his view.

The Illinois senator has said repeatedly that he believes marriage should be only between man and a woman.

(2) In response to the California Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage in California, Obama expressed support, indicating he believed states should be free to decide the issue for themselves. A states' rights position that I greatly agree with.

Obama released a carefully nuanced statement saying he respected the court's decision, believed states should make their own decisions on marriage and "will continue to fight for civil unions as president."

(3) However, in response to the efforts of some Californians to amend the state constitution to prohibit gay marriage, Obama apparently expressed his disgust.

the presumptive presidential nominee said he opposed "the divisive and discriminatory efforts to amend the California Constitution" and similar efforts in other states.

So from what I can piece together of his viewpoint, he is personally and religiously opposed to gay marriage and supports only marriage between a man and a woman, he further believes that states should decide the issue for themselves, but apparently he believes states should only decide the issue in the manner he believes is correct, which is that gay marriage should be permitted.

I know there aren't many Obama supporters around here, but I've been trying to give the guy a chance. Since Obama, Clinton and McCain seem to be the best that the two parties can come up with, I'm glad I withdrew to independent status and think maybe it is time to seriously consider third party candidates.

To bring this slightly more gun related, I am not too concerned with Obama instituting a 2008 AWB. I hope the Heller decision will yield incorporation in the near future but think it and his (re-)election ambitions will keep him and other democrats from such legislation in the near future.
You're dreaming. The press and the Dem base are already beating the drums against guns in the wake of Heller. Obama is a born and bred leftist and will listen to those drums.
The press and the Dem base are already beating the drums against guns in the wake of Heller.

First, I'm no friend of McCain or Obama. I guess I'm voting 3rd party as I can't find myself voting for either of those lessor of two evils.

Secondly, I really believe that Obama will push and anti gun agenda as far as possible. His anti-gun history seems to validate this. His "bitter and cling to guns" statement shows me that he has an elitist viewpoint on firearms and society as a whole.
It is simple, Obama favors whatever stance gains him the most votes at the venue he is speaking.

Just keep saying "change"...
Obama on SCOTUS appointment nominee:

"We need somebody who's got the heart, the empathy, to recognize what it's like to be a young teenage mom. The empathy to understand what it's like to be poor, or African-American, or gay, or disabled, or old. And that's the criteria by which I'm going to be selecting my judges."

20 - 30 years after he leaves office those appointments will still be on the bench on both Federal courts and the SCOTUS. Do you want individuals who are going to decide cases based on their empathy and what feels good or ones who are going to base decisions on the law?

That reason alone is keeping me from voting third party out of disfavor with McCain.
I don't support him as a candidate, nor believe much of what he says, but isn't he suggesting exactly what a politician SHOULD stand for: power to the states and people to be free, regardless of his personal reservations?
isn't he suggesting exactly what a politician SHOULD stand for: power to the states and people to be free, regardless of his personal reservations?

Who knows what he is saying.

1. He opposes gay marriage on principal. (His right)
2. He supports the court decision legalizing it. (possibly saying he recognizes their authority in the matter but who can tell with his parsing).
3. Believes states should be able to make their own rules on the matter. (States Rights issue and seems to make sense but then what of judicial activism reinterpreting the definition of marriage and his support for such a decision...)
4. He opposes the actions of CA residents to introduce an amendment to the State Constitution banning gay marriage and attacks them for their postition!


That's just it, you have no idea what the hell the guy means. If you thought Kerry spoke out of two sides of his mouth then what is this guy talking out of...
Romney supports the new semi-auto ban. All he favors is 1 shot .22 and shotguns. With him as VP we might as well start to turn in our guns.
It comes down to two things: the Second amendment and Supreme Court Appointees. The rest is very secondary in my opinion.

Which one of the candidates is more likely to interfere with your right to keep and bear arms? Answer that question and then vote for the other guy. It's that simple.
if the election is close i will vote Mcain,if its not i will vote Libertarian.

...either way,gay marriage wont have any bearing on my vote.

its a non-issue as far as im concerned.
Sure wont vote for Obama...probably not McCain either.Bob Barr is starting to sound like a more likely prospect...or I will do a write in.
Obama is a LIAR, he has a different story and a different set of lies for each speach he makes.
He's falling into the compulsive Liars syndrome, soon he will be unable to remember which lie he told to which set of voters.

even though i like the 3rd party candidate better i dont see how anyone in their right mind can vote 3rd party in this country at this time. 3rd party has the proverbial chance of a snow ball in hades in this country. lets face the truth the political system in this country is in shambles:barf:
Musketeer wrote:
It is simple, Obama favors whatever stance gains him the most votes at the venue he is speaking.

Just keep saying "change"...

That's Obama's plan alright, change. "If you don't like my position on something and that could compell you to vote against me, please let me know. I will CHANGE my position to get your vote." This man is almost an empty suit. The only consistent thing he carries around in that suit is a marxist ideology. He'll never admit to that, however. He has to make voters THINK that he has "changed". Look at his comments and actions on Rev. Wright. He tossed Wright under the bus, only after he saw that his long running, 20 year association with Wright, could cause him to lose voters. So, he "changed". He was also associated with some shady characters in Chicago, but he's "changed" now. He was for gun bans, until he decided to run for Prez, so now he's "changed". He believed the DC ban on firearms was constitutional until the USSC in Heller said it was not. So Obama "changed".

He is still a marxist. Marxism's ideology doesn't believe in the right of citizens to keep and bear arms. That's about the only thing about him that he hasn't "changed".
Let's do a simple review.

[1] Heller was a 5 to 4 decision in our favor -- too close for my comfort.

[2] The next President will most likely appoint at least one new Justice to the Supreme Court.

[3] The Supreme Court can, and has (albeit rarely), reversed itself when there's been a change in personnel.

[4] Obama is most likely to appoint liberal judges antagonistic to the RKBA. My opinion is based on both his own far left leaning tendencies and his public statements.

[5] The only way for Obama not to be President is for McCain to win.

McCain has never waivered in his stances. He is for off shore oil exploration. Hasn't this been his stand all along?
He is for off shore oil exploration. Hasn't this been his stand all along?

WASHINGTON — In a break with his past policy and his allies in the environmental movement, Republican presidential candidate John McCain on Monday called for ending the federal ban on offshore oil and natural gas exploration so coastal states could decide whether to permit drilling.

McCain has supported the moratorium on offshore drilling in the past and has touted his position during campaign stops in Florida. The Arizona senator also opposes drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.